Definition of molluscoid

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Molluscoid (n.) One of the Molluscoidea.

Lern More About Molluscoid

Molluscoid :: Molluscoid (a.) Resembling the true mollusks; belonging to the Molluscoidea.
Brachiopoda :: Brachiopoda (n.) A class of Molluscoidea having a symmetrical bivalve shell, often attached by a fleshy peduncle..
Molluscoid :: Molluscoid (n.) One of the Molluscoidea.
Molluscoidea :: Molluscoidea (n. pl.) A division of Invertebrata which includes the classes Brachiopoda and Bryozoa; -- called also Anthoid Mollusca.
Sublapsarian :: Subkingdom (n.) One of the several primary divisions of either the animal, or vegetable kingdom, as, in zoology, the Vertebrata, Tunicata, Mollusca, Articulata, Molluscoidea, Echinodermata, Coelentera, and the Protozoa; in botany, the Phanerogamia, and the Cryptogamia..
Molluscoidal :: Molluscoidal (a.) Molluscoid.
Bryozoa :: Bryozoa (n. pl.) A class of Molluscoidea, including minute animals which by budding form compound colonies; -- called also Polyzoa..
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