Definition of middleman

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of middleman is as below...

Middleman (n.) An agent between two parties; a broker; a go-between; any dealer between the producer and the consumer; in Ireland, one who takes land of the proprietors in large tracts, and then rents it out in small portions to the peasantry..

Lern More About Middleman

Middleman :: Middleman (n.) A person of intermediate rank; a commoner.
Haggler :: Haggler (n.) One who forestalls a market; a middleman between producer and dealer in London vegetable markets.
Broker :: Broker (v. t.) An agent employed to effect bargains and contracts, as a middleman or negotiator, between other persons, for a compensation commonly called brokerage. He takes no possession, as broker, of the subject matter of the negotiation. He generally contracts in the names of those who employ him, and not in his own..
Middleman :: Middleman (n.) The man who occupies a central position in a file of soldiers.
Middleman :: Middleman (n.) An agent between two parties; a broker; a go-between; any dealer between the producer and the consumer; in Ireland, one who takes land of the proprietors in large tracts, and then rents it out in small portions to the peasantry..
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