Definition of metre

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Metre (n.) A poem.

Lern More About Metre

Metre :: Metre (n.) A measure of length, equal to 39.37 English inches, the standard of linear measure in the metric system of weights and measures. It was intended to be, and is very nearly, the ten millionth part of the distance from the equator to the north pole, as ascertained by actual measurement of an arc of a meridian. See Metric system, under Metric..
Myriametre :: Myriametre (n.) A metric measure of length, containing ten thousand meters. It is equal to 6.2137 miles..
Metre :: Metre (n.) See Meter.
Megametre :: Megametre (n.) In the metric system, one million meters, or one thousand kilometers..
Decimetre :: Decimetre (n.) A measure of length in the metric system; one tenth of a meter, equal to 3.937 inches..
Decametre :: Decametre (n.) A measure of length in the metric system; ten meters, equal to about 393.7 inches..
Tenthmetre :: Tenthmetre (n.) A unit for the measurement of many small lengths, such that 1010 of these units make one meter; the ten millionth part of a millimeter..
Metre :: Metre (n.) A poem.
Centimetre :: Centimetre (n.) The hundredth part of a meter; a measure of length equal to rather more than thirty-nine hundredths (0.3937) of an inch. See Meter.
Metre :: Metre (n.) Rhythmical arrangement of syllables or words into verses, stanzas, strophes, etc.; poetical measure, depending on number, quantity, and accent of syllables; rhythm; measure; verse; also, any specific rhythmical arrangements; as, the Horatian meters; a dactylic meter..
Kilometre :: Kilometre (n.) A measure of length, being a thousand meters. It is equal to 3,280.8 feet, or 62137 of a mile..
Hectometre :: Hectometre (n.) A measure of length, equal to a hundred meters. It is equivalent to 328.09 feet..
Kilogrammetre :: Kilogrammetre (n.) A measure of energy or work done, being the amount expended in raising one kilogram through the height of one meter, in the latitude of Paris..
Millimetre :: Millimetre (n.) A lineal measure in the metric system, containing the thousandth part of a meter; equal to .03937 of an inch. See 3d Meter..
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