Definition of mercury

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Mercury (n.) One of the planets of the solar system, being the one nearest the sun, from which its mean distance is about 36,000,000 miles. Its period is 88 days, and its diameter 3,000 miles..

Lern More About Mercury

Water Barometer :: Water barometer () A barometer in which the changes of atmospheric pressure are indicated by the motion of a column of water instead of mercury. It requires a column of water about thirty-three feet in height.
Calomel :: Calomel (n.) Mild chloride of mercury, Hg2Cl2, a heavy, white or yellowish white substance, insoluble and tasteless, much used in medicine as a mercurial and purgative; mercurous chloride. It occurs native as the mineral horn quicksilver..
Amalgamator :: Amalgamator (n.) One who, or that which, amalgamates. Specifically: A machine for separating precious metals from earthy particles by bringing them in contact with a body of mercury with which they form an amalgam..
Caduceus :: Caduceus (n.) The official staff or wand of Hermes or Mercury, the messenger of the gods. It was originally said to be a herald's staff of olive wood, but was afterwards fabled to have two serpents coiled about it, and two wings at the top..
Hydrargochloride :: Hydrargochloride (n.) A compound of the bichloride of mercury with another chloride.
Oleate :: Oleate (n.) A salt of oleic acid. Some oleates, as the oleate of mercury, are used in medicine by way of inunction..
Caducean :: Caducean (a.) Of or belonging to Mercury's caduceus, or wand..
Metacinnabarite :: Metacinnabarite (n.) Sulphide of mercury in isometric form and black in color.
Prometheus :: Prometheus (n.) The son of Iapetus (one of the Titans) and Clymene, fabled by the poets to have surpassed all mankind in knowledge, and to have formed men of clay to whom he gave life by means of fire stolen from heaven. Jupiter, being angry at this, sent Mercury to bind Prometheus to Mount Caucasus, where a vulture preyed upon his liver..
Mercurial :: Mercurial (a.) Having the form or image of Mercury; -- applied to ancient guideposts.
Mercurial :: Mercurial (n.) A preparation containing mercury.
Quicksilver :: Quicksilver (a.) The metal mercury; -- so called from its resemblance to liquid silver.
Mercurammonium :: Mercurammonium (n.) A radical regarded as derived from ammonium by the substitution of mercury for a portion of the hydrogen.
Mercury :: Mercury (n.) One of the planets of the solar system, being the one nearest the sun, from which its mean distance is about 36,000,000 miles. Its period is 88 days, and its diameter 3,000 miles..
Petasus :: Petasus (n.) The winged cap of Mercury; also, a broad-brimmed, low-crowned hat worn by Greeks and Romans..
Mercury :: Mercury (n.) A metallic element mostly obtained by reduction from cinnabar, one of its ores. It is a heavy, opaque, glistening liquid (commonly called quicksilver), and is used in barometers, thermometers, ect. Specific gravity 13.6. Symbol Hg (Hydrargyrum). Atomic weight 199.8. Mercury has a molecule which consists of only one atom. It was named by the alchemists after the god Mercury, and designated by his symbol, /..
Mercurification :: Mercurification (n.) The process or operation of obtaining the mercury, in its fluid form, from mercuric minerals..
Mercurification :: Mercurification (n.) The act or process of compounding, or the state of being compounded, with mercury..
Hermes :: Hermes (n.) See Mercury.
Mercuric :: Mercuric (a.) Of, pertaining to, or derived from, mercury; containing mercury; -- said of those compounds of mercury into which this element enters in its lowest proportion..
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