Definition of membered

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Membered (a.) Having legs of a different tincture from that of the body; -- said of a bird in heraldic representations.

Lern More About Membered

Memory :: Memory (n.) The time within which past events can be or are remembered; as, within the memory of man..
Topology :: Topology (n.) The art of, or method for, assisting the memory by associating the thing or subject to be remembered with some place..
Foreremembered :: Foreremembered (a.) Called to mind previously.
Memorable :: Memorable (a.) Worthy to be remembered; very important or remarkable.
Reminiscence :: Reminiscence (n.) That which is remembered, or recalled to mind; a statement or narration of remembered experience; a recollection; as, pleasing or painful reminiscences..
Remembrance :: Remembrance (n.) Something to be remembered; counsel; admoni//on; instruction.
Memoirs :: Memoirs (n.) A memorial account; a history composed from personal experience and memory; an account of transactions or events (usually written in familiar style) as they are remembered by the writer. See History, 2..
Remember :: Remember (v. t.) To recall to the mind of another, as in the friendly messages, remember me to him, he wishes to be remembered to you, etc..
Memory :: Memory (n.) Something, or an aggregate of things, remembered; hence, character, conduct, etc., as preserved in remembrance, history, or tradition; posthumous fame; as, the war became only a memory..
Membered :: Membered (a.) Having limbs; -- chiefly used in composition.
Remembrance :: Remembrance (n.) Something remembered; a person or thing kept in memory.
Rememberable :: Rememberable (a.) Capable or worthy of being remembered.
Dismemberment :: Dismemberment (n.) The act of dismembering, or the state of being dismembered; cutting in piece; m/tilation; division; separation..
Membered :: Membered (a.) Having legs of a different tincture from that of the body; -- said of a bird in heraldic representations.
Remembered :: Remembered (imp. & p. p.) of Remembe.
Remembrance :: Remembrance (n.) The state of being remembered, or held in mind; memory; recollection..
Memorist :: Memorist (n.) One who, or that which, causes to be remembered..
Memorize :: Memorize (v. t.) To cause to be remembered ; hence, to record..
Remembrance :: Remembrance (n.) That which serves to keep in or bring to mind; a memorial; a token; a memento; a souvenir; a memorandum or note of something to be remembered.
Dismembered :: Dismembered (imp. & p. p.) of Dismembe.
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