Definition of medulla

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Medulla (n.) The marrow of bones; the deep or inner portion of an organ or part; as, the medulla, or medullary substance, of the kidney; specifically, the medula oblongata..

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Restiform :: Restiform (a.) Formed like a rope; -- applied especially to several ropelike bundles or masses of fibers on the dorsal side of the medulla oblongata.
Metencephalon :: Metencephalon (n.) The posterior part of the brain, including the medulla; the afterbrain. Sometimes abbreviated to meten..
Crus :: Crus (n.) Often applied, especially in the plural, to parts which are supposed to resemble a pair of legs; as, the crura of the diaphragm, a pair of muscles attached to it; crura cerebri, two bundles of nerve fibers in the base of the brain, connecting the medulla and the forebrain..
Myeloidin :: Myeloidin (n.) A substance, present in the protoplasm of the retinal epithelium cells, and resembling, if not identical with, the substance (myelin) forming the medullary sheaths of nerve fibers..
Pons :: Pons (n.) A bridge; -- applied to several parts which connect others, but especially to the pons Varolii, a prominent band of nervous tissue situated on the ventral side of the medulla oblongata and connected at each side with the hemispheres of the cerebellum; the mesocephalon. See Brain..
Medullar :: Medullar (a.) See Medullary.
Notochord :: Notochord (n.) An elastic cartilagelike rod which is developed beneath the medullary groove in the vertebrate embryo, and constitutes the primitive axial skeleton around which the centra of the vertebrae and the posterior part of the base of the skull are developed; the chorda dorsalis. See Illust. of Ectoderm..
Medullary :: Medullary (a.) Filled with spongy pith; pithy.
Medullated :: Medullated (a.) Furnished with a medulla or marrow, or with a medullary sheath; as, a medullated nerve fiber..
Medullary :: Medullary (a.) Pertaining to the medula oblongata.
Cerebellum :: Cerebellum (n.) The large lobe of the hind brain in front of and above the medulla; the little brain. It controls combined muscular action. See Brain.
Preoblongata :: Preoblongata (n.) The anterior part of the medulla oblongata.
Endosteum :: Endosteum (n.) The layer of vascular connective tissue lining the medullary cavities of bone.
Neurokeratin :: Neurokeratin (n.) A substance, resembling keratin, present in nerve tissue, as in the sheath of the axis cylinder of medullated nerve fibers. Like keratin it resists the action of most chemical agents, and by decomposition with sulphuric acid yields leucin and tyrosin..
Nonmedullated :: Nonmedullated (a.) Not medullated; (Anat.) without a medulla or marrow, or without a medullary sheath; as, a nonmedullated nerve fiber..
Medulla :: Medulla (n.) Marrow; pith; hence, essence..
Oblongatal :: Oblongatal (a.) Of or pertaining to the medulla oblongata; medullar.
Oblongata :: Oblongata (n.) The medulla oblongata.
Medulla :: Medulla (n.) A soft tissue, occupying the center of the stem or branch of a plant; pith..
Medullin :: Medullin (n.) A variety of lignin or cellulose found in the medulla, or pith, of certain plants. Cf. Lignin, and Cellulose..
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