Definition of marie

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of marie is as below...

Marie (interj.) Marry.

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Occultation :: Occultation (n.) The hiding of a heavenly body from sight by the intervention of some other of the heavenly bodies; -- applied especially to eclipses of stars and planets by the moon, and to the eclipses of satellites of planets by their primaries..
Marie :: Marie (interj.) Marry.
Bain-marie :: Bain-marie (n.) A vessel for holding hot water in which another vessel may be heated without scorching its contents; -- used for warming or preparing food or pharmaceutical preparations.
Milt :: Milt (n.) The testes, or spermaries, of fishes when filled with spermatozoa..
Primaries :: Primaries (pl. ) of Primar.
Sault :: Sault (n.) A rapid in some rivers; as, the Sault Ste. Marie..
Summary :: Summaries (pl. ) of Summar.
Infirmaries :: Infirmaries (pl. ) of Infirmar.
Mariet :: Mariet (n.) A kind of bellflower, Companula Trachelium, once called Viola Mariana; but it is not a violet..
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