Definition of man

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Man (v. t.) To supply with men; to furnish with a sufficient force or complement of men, as for management, service, defense, or the like; to guard; as, to man a ship, boat, or fort..

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Slyly :: Slyly (adv.) In a sly manner; shrewdly; craftily.
Luciferously :: Luciferously (adv.) In a luciferous manner.
Easiness :: Easiness (n.) Freedom from effort, constraint, or formality; -- said of style, manner, etc..
Bagman :: Bagman (n.) A commercial traveler; one employed to solicit orders for manufacturers and tradesmen.
Midshipman :: Midshipman (n.) An American marine fish of the genus Porichthys, allied to the toadfish..
Manganiferous :: Manganiferous (a.) Containing manganese.
Conjurer :: Conjurer (n.) One who conjectures shrewdly or judges wisely; a man of sagacity.
Multivalvular :: Multivalvular (a.) Having many valves.
Soldier :: Soldier (n.) A brave warrior; a man of military experience and skill, or a man of distinguished valor; -- used by way of emphasis or distinction..
Industry :: Industry (n.) Human exertion of any kind employed for the creation of value, and regarded by some as a species of capital or wealth; labor..
Eunuchate :: Eunuchate (v. t.) To make a eunuch of; to castrate. as a man.
Simia :: Simia (n.) A Linnaean genus of Quadrumana which included the types of numerous modern genera. By modern writers it is usually restricted to the genus which includes the orang-outang.
Youngly :: Youngly (adv.) In a young manner; in the period of youth; early in life.
Avaiably :: Avaiably (adv.) In an available manner; profitably; advantageously; efficaciously.
Patiently :: Patiently (adv.) In a patient manner.
Effluence :: Effluence (n.) A flowing out, or emanation..
Lovelily :: Lovelily (adv.) In manner to excite love; amiably.
Almondine :: Almondine (n.) See Almandin.
Blackcoat :: Blackcoat (n.) A clergyman; -- familiarly so called, as a soldier is sometimes called a redcoat or a bluecoat..
Ochlesis :: Ochlesis (n.) A general morbid condition induced by the crowding together of many persons, esp. sick persons, under one roof..
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