Definition of maintaining

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Maintaining (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Maintai.

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Polemic :: Polemic (a.) Of or pertaining to controversy; maintaining, or involving, controversy; controversial; disputative; as, a polemic discourse or essay; polemic theology..
Trade Union :: Trade union () An organized combination among workmen for the purpose of maintaining their rights, privileges, and interests with respect to wages, hours of labor, customs, etc..
Respire :: Respire (v. i.) To breathe; to inhale air into the lungs, and exhale it from them, successively, for the purpose of maintaining the vitality of the blood..
Warm-blooded :: Warm-blooded (a.) Having warm blood; -- applied especially to those animals, as birds and mammals, which have warm blood, or, more properly, the power of maintaining a nearly uniform temperature whatever the temperature of the surrounding air. See Homoiothermal..
Castle-guard :: Castle-guard (n.) A tax or imposition an a dwelling within a certain distance of a castle, for the purpose of maintaining watch and ward in it; castle-ward..
Seaboat :: Seaboat () A boat or vessel adapted to the open sea; hence, a vessel considered with reference to her power of resisting a storm, or maintaining herself in a heavy sea; as, a good sea boat..
Fund :: Fund (n.) An aggregation or deposit of resources from which supplies are or may be drawn for carrying on any work, or for maintaining existence..
Homolographic :: Homolographic (a.) Preserving the mutual relations of parts, especially as to size and form; maintaining relative proportion..
Maintenance :: Maintenance (n.) The act of maintaining; sustenance; support; defense; vindication.
Maintaining :: Maintaining (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Maintai.
Circulatory :: Circulatory (n.) A chemical vessel consisting of two portions unequally exposed to the heat of the fire, and with connecting pipes or passages, through which the fluid rises from the overheated portion, and descends from the relatively colder, maintaining a circulation..
Fratricelli :: Fratricelli (n. pl.) A sect which seceded from the Franciscan Order, chiefly in Italy and Sicily, in 1294, repudiating the pope as an apostate, maintaining the duty of celibacy and poverty, and discountenancing oaths. Called also Fratricellians and Fraticelli..
Nestorian :: Nestorian (n.) An adherent of Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople to the fifth century, who has condemned as a heretic for maintaining that the divine and the human natures were not merged into one nature in Christ (who was God in man), and, hence, that it was improper to call Mary the mother of Christ; also, one of the sect established by the followers of Nestorius in Persia, india, and other Oriental countries, and still in existence. opposed to Eutychian..
Brace :: Brace (n.) A cord, ligament, or rod, for producing or maintaining tension, as a cord on the side of a drum..
Thine :: Thine (pron. & a.) A form of the possessive case of the pronoun thou, now superseded in common discourse by your, the possessive of you, but maintaining a place in solemn discourse, in poetry, and in the usual language of the Friends, or Quakers..
Assertory :: Assertory (a.) Affirming; maintaining.
Semi-pelagian :: Semi-Pelagian (n.) A follower of John Cassianus, a French monk (died about 448), who modified the doctrines of Pelagius, by denying human merit, and maintaining the necessity of the Spirit's influence, while, on the other hand, he rejected the Augustinian doctrines of election, the inability of man to do good, and the certain perseverance of the saints..
Homoiothermal :: Homoiothermal (a.) Maintaining a uniform temperature; haematothermal; homothermic; -- applied to warm-bodied animals, because they maintain a nearly uniform temperature in spite of the great variations in the surrounding air; in distinct from the cold-blooded (poikilothermal) animals, whose body temperature follows the variations in temperature of the surrounding medium..
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