Definition of article

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Article (n.) To formulate in articles; to set forth in distinct particulars.

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Vortex :: Vortex (n.) A supposed collection of particles of very subtile matter, endowed with a rapid rotary motion around an axis which was also the axis of a sun or a planet. Descartes attempted to account for the formation of the universe, and the movements of the bodies composing it, by a theory of vortices..
Leader :: Leader (n.) The first, or the principal, editorial article in a newspaper; a leading or main editorial article..
Atomization :: Atomization (n.) The act of reducing to atoms, or very minute particles; or the state of being so reduced..
Bed :: Bed (n.) An article of furniture to sleep or take rest in or on; a couch. Specifically: A sack or mattress, filled with some soft material, in distinction from the bedstead on which it is placed (as, a feather bed), or this with the bedclothes added. In a general sense, any thing or place used for sleeping or reclining on or in, as a quantity of hay, straw, leaves, or twigs..
Ye :: Ye () an old method of printing the article the (AS. /e), the y being used in place of the Anglo-Saxon thorn (/). It is sometimes incorrectly pronounced ye. See The, and Thorn, n., 4..
A :: A () An adjective, commonly called the indefinite article, and signifying one or any, but less emphatically..
Pin :: Pin (n.) A piece of wood, metal, etc., generally cylindrical, used for fastening separate articles together, or as a support by which one article may be suspended from another; a peg; a bolt..
Separator :: Separator (n.) A device for depriving steam of particles of water mixed with it.
Now :: Now (adv.) In present circumstances; things being as they are; -- hence, used as a connective particle, to introduce an inference or an explanation..
Disdiaclast :: Disdiaclast (n.) One of the dark particles forming the doubly refracting disks of muscle fibers.
Clause :: Clause (n.) A separate portion of a written paper, paragraph, or sentence; an article, stipulation, or proviso, in a legal document..
Tray :: Tray (n.) A shallow box, generally without a top, often used within a chest, trunk, box, etc., as a removable receptacle for small or light articles..
Pilfer :: Pilfer (v. i.) To steal in small quantities, or articles of small value; to practice petty theft..
Creed :: Creed (v. t.) A definite summary of what is believed; esp., a summary of the articles of Christian faith; a confession of faith for public use; esp., one which is brief and comprehensive..
Pacos :: Pacos (n.) An earthy-looking ore, consisting of brown oxide of iron with minute particles of native silver..
Illative :: Illative (n.) An illative particle, as for, because..
Etui :: Etui (n.) A case for one or several small articles; esp., a box in which scissors, tweezers, and other articles of toilet or of daily use are carried..
Crock :: Crock (n.) The loose black particles collected from combustion, as on pots and kettles, or in a chimney; soot; smut; also, coloring matter which rubs off from cloth..
Hall-mark :: Hall-mark (n.) The official stamp of the Goldsmiths' Company and other assay offices, in the United Kingdom, on gold and silver articles, attesting their purity. Also used figuratively; -- as, a word or phrase lacks the hall-mark of the best writers..
Brass :: Brass (n.) Utensils, ornaments, or other articles of brass..
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