Definition of magnetical

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of magnetical is as below...

Magnetical (a.) Having, susceptible to, or induced by, animal magnetism, so called; as, a magnetic sleep. See Magnetism..

Lern More About Magnetical

Magnetical :: Magnetical (a.) Capable of becoming a magnet; susceptible to magnetism; as, the magnetic metals..
Magnetical :: Magnetical (a.) Pertaining to the magnet; possessing the properties of the magnet, or corresponding properties; as, a magnetic bar of iron; a magnetic needle..
Diamagnetically :: Diamagnetically (adv.) In the manner of, or according to, diamagnetism..
Magneticalness :: Magneticalness (n.) Quality of being magnetic.
Magnetical :: Magnetical (a.) Of or pertaining to, or characterized by, the earth's magnetism; as, the magnetic north; the magnetic meridian..
Maneticness :: Maneticness (n.) Magneticalness.
Magnetical :: Magnetical (a.) Endowed with extraordinary personal power to excite the feelings and to win the affections; attractive; inducing attachment.
Magnetically :: Magnetically (adv.) By or as by, magnetism..
Magnetical :: Magnetical (a.) Having, susceptible to, or induced by, animal magnetism, so called; as, a magnetic sleep. See Magnetism..
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