Definition of look

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Look (v. t.) To influence, overawe, or subdue by looks or presence as, to look down opposition..

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Kedlook :: Kedlook (n.) See Charlock.
Hard-favored :: Hard-favored (a.) Hard-featured; ill-looking; as, Vulcan was hard-favored..
Look :: Look (v. i.) To seem; to appear; to have a particular appearance; as, the patient looks better; the clouds look rainy..
Peep :: Peep (n.) First outlook or appearance.
Glout :: Glout (v. i.) To pout; to look sullen.
Perk :: Perk (v. i.) To peer; to look inquisitively.
Overlook :: Overlook (v. t.) To look over and beyond (anything) without seeing it; to miss or omit in looking; hence, to refrain from bestowing notice or attention upon; to neglect; to pass over without censure or punishment; to excuse..
See :: See (v. t.) To follow with the eyes, or as with the eyes; to watch; to regard attentivelly; to look after..
Gloat :: Gloat (v. i.) To look steadfastly; to gaze earnestly; -- usually in a bad sense, to gaze with malignant satisfaction, passionate desire, lust, or avarice..
Rubiginous :: Rubiginous (a.) Having the appearance or color of iron rust; rusty-looking.
Glum :: Glum (v. i.) To look sullen; to be of a sour countenance; to be glum.
Wan :: Wan (v. i.) To grow wan; to become pale or sickly in looks.
Scout :: Scout (v. t.) To observe, watch, or look for, as a scout; to follow for the purpose of observation, as a scout..
Browbeat :: Browbeat (v. t.) To depress or bear down with haughty, stern looks, or with arrogant speech and dogmatic assertions; to abash or disconcert by impudent or abusive words or looks; to bully; as, to browbeat witnesses..
Dispatchful :: Dispatchful (a.) Bent on haste; intent on speedy execution of business or any task; indicating haste; quick; as, dispatchful looks..
Oversight :: Oversight (n.) An overlooking; an omission; an error.
Peep :: Peep (v. i.) To look cautiously or slyly; to peer, as through a crevice; to pry..
Introspect :: Introspect (v. t.) To look into or within; to view the inside of.
Farther :: Farther (adv.) At or to a greater distance; more remotely; beyond; as, let us rest with what we have, without looking farther..
Arch :: Arch (a.) Cunning or sly; sportively mischievous; roguish; as, an arch look, word, lad..
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