Definition of search

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Search (v. i.) To seek; to look for something; to make inquiry, exploration, or examination; to hunt..

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Seek :: Seek (v. i.) To make search or inquiry: to endeavor to make discovery.
Researcher :: Researcher (n.) One who researches.
Quest :: Quest (n.) The act of seeking, or looking after anything; attempt to find or obtain; search; pursuit; as, to rove in quest of game, of a lost child, of property, etc..
Inscrutable :: Inscrutable (a.) Unsearchable; incapable of being searched into and understood by inquiry or study; impossible or difficult to be explained or accounted for satisfactorily; obscure; incomprehensible; as, an inscrutable design or event..
Indagate :: Indagate (v. t.) To seek or search out.
Ravel :: Ravel (v. i.) To make investigation or search, as by picking out the threads of a woven pattern..
Searcher :: Searcher (n.) Formerly, an officer in London appointed to examine the bodies of the dead, and report the cause of death..
Searched :: Searched (imp. & p. p.) of Searc.
Dig :: Dig (v. i.) To take ore from its bed, in distinction from making excavations in search of ore..
Examine :: Examine (v. t.) To test by any appropriate method; to inspect carefully with a view to discover the real character or state of; to subject to inquiry or inspection of particulars for the purpose of obtaining a fuller insight into the subject of examination, as a material substance, a fact, a reason, a cause, the truth of a statement; to inquire or search into; to explore; as, to examine a mineral; to examine a ship to know whether she is seaworthy; to examine a proposition, theory, or question..
Ae :: Ae () A diphthong in the Latin language; used also by the Saxon writers. It answers to the Gr. ai. The Anglo-Saxon short ae was generally replaced by a, the long / by e or ee. In derivatives from Latin words with ae, it is mostly superseded by e. For most words found with this initial combination, the reader will therefore search under the letter E..
Ramshackle :: Ramshackle (v. t.) To search or ransack; to rummage.
Ichnoscopy :: Ichnoscopy (n.) The search for the traces of anything.
Searchless :: Searchless (a.) Impossible to be searched; inscrutable; impenetrable.
Proll :: Proll (v. t.) To search or prowl after; to rob; to plunder.
Cruise :: Cruise (n.) A voyage made in various directions, as of an armed vessel, for the protection of other vessels, or in search of an enemy; a sailing to and fro, as for exploration or for pleasure..
Search :: Search (v. t.) The act of seeking or looking for something; quest; inquiry; pursuit for finding something; examination.
Dowser :: Dowser (n.) A divining rod used in searching for water, ore, etc., a dowsing rod..
Throughout :: Throughout (prep.) Quite through; from one extremity to the other of; also, every part of; as, to search throughout the house..
Inquiry :: Inquiry (n.) Search for truth, information, or knoledge; examination into facts or principles; research; invextigation; as, physical inquiries..
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