Definition of logistic

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of logistic is as below...

Logistic (a.) Alt. of Logistica.

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Antiphlogistic :: Antiphlogistic (a.) Opposed to the doctrine of phlogiston.
Logistics :: Logistics (n.) That branch of the military art which embraces the details of moving and supplying armies. The meaning of the word is by some writers extended to include strategy.
Logistics :: Logistics (n.) A system of arithmetic, in which numbers are expressed in a scale of 60; logistic arithmetic..
Aphlogistic :: Aphlogistic (a.) Flameless; as, an aphlogistic lamp, in which a coil of wire is kept in a state of continued ignition by alcohol, without flame..
Neologistic :: Neologistic (a.) Alt. of Neologistica.
Logistic :: Logistic (a.) Alt. of Logistica.
Dephlogisticating :: Dephlogisticating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Dephlogisticcat.
Antiphlogistic :: Antiphlogistic (n.) Any medicine or diet which tends to check inflammation.
Encomiastical :: Encomiastical (a.) Bestowing praise; praising; eulogistic; laudatory; as, an encomiastic address or discourse..
Syllogistically :: Syllogistical (a.) Of or pertaining to a syllogism; consisting of a syllogism, or of the form of reasoning by syllogisms; as, syllogistic arguments or reasoning..
Phlogistication :: Phlogistication (n.) The act or process of combining with phlogiston.
Eulogistical :: Eulogistical (a.) Of or pertaining to eulogy; characterized by eulogy; bestowing praise; panegyrical; commendatory; laudatory; as, eulogistic speech or discourse..
Dialogical :: Dialogical (a.) Relating to a dialogue; dialogistical.
Phlogistic :: Phlogistic (a.) Inflammatory; belonging to inflammations and fevers.
Dephlogisticated :: Dephlogisticated (imp. & p. p.) of Dephlogisticcat.
Dyslogistic :: Dyslogistic (a.) Unfavorable; not commendatory; -- opposed to eulogistic.
Phlogisticated :: Phlogisticated (imp. & p. p.) of Phlogisticat.
Syllogistical :: Syllogistic (a.) Alt. of Syllogistica.
Logistical :: Logistical (a.) Sexagesimal, or made on the scale of 60; as, logistic, or sexagesimal, arithmetic..
Phlogisticating :: Phlogisticating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Phlogisticat.
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