Definition of literature

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Literature (n.) The class of writings distinguished for beauty of style or expression, as poetry, essays, or history, in distinction from scientific treatises and works which contain positive knowledge; belles-lettres..

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Romanticism :: Romanticism (n.) A fondness for romantic characteristics or peculiarities; specifically, in modern literature, an aiming at romantic effects; -- applied to the productions of a school of writers who sought to revive certain medi/val forms and methods in opposition to the so-called classical style..
Cultivator :: Cultivator (n.) One who cultivates; as, a cultivator of the soil; a cultivator of literature..
Letterure :: Letterure (n.) Letters; literature.
Earthdrake :: Earthdrake (n.) A mythical monster of the early Anglo-Saxon literature; a dragon.
Flavor :: Flavor (n.) That quality which gives character to any of the productions of literature or the fine arts.
Classical :: Classical (n.) Conforming to the best authority in literature and art; chaste; pure; refined; as, a classical style..
Club :: Club (n.) An association of persons for the promotion of some common object, as literature, science, politics, good fellowship, etc.; esp. an association supported by equal assessments or contributions of the members..
Revival :: Revival (n.) Renewed performance of, or interest in, something, as the drama and literature..
Polite :: Polite (v.) Characterized by refinement, or a high degree of finish; as, polite literature..
Romanticist :: Romanticist (n.) One who advocates romanticism in modern literature.
Initiation :: Initiation (n.) The act of initiating, or the process of being initiated or introduced; as, initiation into a society, into business, literature, etc..
Sinology :: Sinology (n.) That branch of systemized knowledge which treats of the Chinese, their language, literature, etc..
Aramaic :: Aramaic (a.) Pertaining to Aram, or to the territory, inhabitants, language, or literature of Syria and Mesopotamia; Aramaean; -- specifically applied to the northern branch of the Semitic family of languages, including Syriac and Chaldee..
Literatus :: Literatus (n.) A learned man; a man acquainted with literature; -- chiefly used in the plural.
Bibliology :: Bibliology (n.) The literature or doctrine of the Bible.
Ancient :: Ancient (a.) Old; that happened or existed in former times, usually at a great distance of time; belonging to times long past; specifically applied to the times before the fall of the Roman empire; -- opposed to modern; as, ancient authors, literature, history; ancient days..
Lettered :: Lettered (a.) Literate; educated; versed in literature.
Vandal :: Vandal (n.) Hence, one who willfully destroys or defaces any work of art or literature..
Bold :: Bold (n.) Somewhat overstepping usual bounds, or conventional rules, as in art, literature, etc.; taking liberties in composition or expression; as, the figures of an author are bold..
Savant :: Savant (a.) A man of learning; one versed in literature or science; a person eminent for acquirements.
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