Definition of liquefaction

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of liquefaction is as below...

Liquefaction (n.) The act, process, or method, of reducing a gas or vapor to a liquid by means of cold or pressure; as, the liquefaction of oxygen or hydrogen..

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Thaw :: Thaw (n.) The melting of ice, snow, or other congealed matter; the resolution of ice, or the like, into the state of a fluid; liquefaction by heat of anything congealed by frost; also, a warmth of weather sufficient to melt that which is congealed..
Colliquefaction :: Colliquefaction (n.) A melting together; the reduction of different bodies into one mass by fusion.
Dissolution :: Dissolution (n.) The state of being dissolved, or of undergoing liquefaction..
Liquefaction :: Liquefaction (n.) The state of being liquid.
Liquefaction :: Liquefaction (n.) The act or operation of making or becoming liquid; especially, the conversion of a solid into a liquid by the sole agency of heat..
Melting :: Melting (n.) Liquefaction; the act of causing (something) to melt, or the process of becoming melted..
Liquefaction :: Liquefaction (n.) The act, process, or method, of reducing a gas or vapor to a liquid by means of cold or pressure; as, the liquefaction of oxygen or hydrogen..
Dissolution :: Dissolution (n.) Change from a solid to a fluid state; solution by heat or moisture; liquefaction; melting.
Incoercible :: Incoercible (a.) Not capable of being reduced to the form of a liquid by pressure; -- said of any gas above its critical point; -- also particularly of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide, formerly regarded as incapable of liquefaction at any temperature or pressure..
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