Definition of lintel

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Lintel (n.) A horizontal member spanning an opening, and carrying the superincumbent weight by means of its strength in resisting crosswise fracture..

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Summer :: Summer (n.) A large stone or beam placed horizontally on columns, piers, posts, or the like, serving for various uses. Specifically: (a) The lintel of a door or window. (b) The commencement of a cross vault. (c) A central floor timber, as a girder, or a piece reaching from a wall to a girder. Called also summertree..
Cap :: Cap (n.) The uppermost of any assemblage of parts; as, the cap of column, door, etc.; a capital, coping, cornice, lintel, or plate..
Lintel :: Lintel (n.) A horizontal member spanning an opening, and carrying the superincumbent weight by means of its strength in resisting crosswise fracture..
Manteltree :: Manteltree (n.) The lintel of a fireplace when of wood, as frequently in early houses..
Bearing :: Bearing (n.) That part of any member of a building which rests upon its supports; as, a lintel or beam may have four inches of bearing upon the wall..
Soffit :: Soffit (n.) The under side of the subordinate parts and members of buildings, such as staircases, entablatures, archways, cornices, or the like. See Illust. of Lintel..
Camber :: Camber (n.) An upward concavity in the under side of a beam, girder, or lintel; also, a slight upward concavity in a straight arch. See Hogback..
Tympanum :: Tympanum (n.) The space within an arch, and above a lintel or a subordinate arch, spanning the opening below the arch..
Pier :: Pier (n.) Any detached mass of masonry, whether insulated or supporting one side of an arch or lintel, as of a bridge; the piece of wall between two openings..
Member :: Member (n.) Any part of a building, whether constructional, as a pier, column, lintel, or the like, or decorative, as a molding, or group of moldings..
Breastsummer :: Breastsummer (n.) A summer or girder extending across a building flush with, and supporting, the upper part of a front or external wall; a long lintel; a girder; -- used principally above shop windows..
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