Definition of latin

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Latin (a.) Of or pertaining to Latium, or to the Latins, a people of Latium; Roman; as, the Latin language..

Lern More About Latin

L :: L () L is the twelfth letter of the English alphabet, and a vocal consonant. It is usually called a semivowel or liquid. Its form and value are from the Greek, through the Latin, the form of the Greek letter being from the Phoenician, and the ultimate origin prob. Egyptian. Etymologically, it is most closely related to r and u; as in pilgrim, peregrine, couch (fr. collocare), aubura (fr. LL. alburnus)..
Ghostly :: Ghostly (a.) Relating to the soul; not carnal or secular; spiritual; as, a ghostly confessor..
Spring :: Spring (v. i.) An elastic body of any kind, as steel, India rubber, tough wood, or compressed air, used for various mechanical purposes, as receiving and imparting power, diminishing concussion, regulating motion, measuring weight or other force..
Exortive :: Exortive (a.) Rising; relating to the east.
Bland :: Bland (a.) Having soft and soothing qualities; not drastic or irritating; not stimulating; as, a bland oil; a bland diet..
Kitish :: Kitish (a.) Like or relating to a kite.
Crucible :: Crucible (n.) A vessel or melting pot, composed of some very refractory substance, as clay, graphite, platinum, and used for melting and calcining substances which require a strong degree of heat, as metals, ores, etc..
E- :: E- () A Latin prefix meaning out, out of, from; also, without. See Ex-..
Kerite :: Kerite (n.) A compound in which tar or asphaltum combined with animal or vegetable oils is vulcanized by sulphur, the product closely resembling rubber; -- used principally as an insulating material in telegraphy..
Platinoid :: Platinoid (n.) An alloy of German silver containing tungsten; -- used for forming electrical resistance coils and standards.
Amorous :: Amorous (a.) Of or relating to, or produced by, love..
Albertype :: Albertype (n.) A picture printed from a kind of gelatine plate produced by means of a photographic negative.
Unitary :: Unitary (a.) Of or pertaining to a unit or units; relating to unity; as, the unitary method in arithmetic..
Cata :: Cata () The Latin and English form of a Greek preposition, used as a prefix to signify down, downward, under, against, contrary or opposed to, wholly, completely; as in cataclysm, catarrh. It sometimes drops the final vowel, as in catoptric; and is sometimes changed to cath, as in cathartic, catholic..
Accumulator :: Accumulator (n.) An apparatus by means of which energy or power can be stored, such as the cylinder or tank for storing water for hydraulic elevators, the secondary or storage battery used for accumulating the energy of electrical charges, etc..
Malthusianism :: Malthusianism (n.) The system of Malthusian doctrines relating to population.
Pedometer :: Pedometer (n.) An instrument for including the number of steps in walking, and so ascertaining the distance passed over. It is usually in the form of a watch; an oscillating weight by the motion of the body causes the index to advance a certain distance at each step..
Dynamometrical :: Dynamometrical (a.) Relating to a dynamometer, or to the measurement of force doing work; as, dynamometrical instruments..
Gauge :: Gauge (n.) Any instrument for ascertaining or regulating the dimensions or forms of things; a templet or template; as, a button maker's gauge..
Undulation :: Undulation (n.) The act of undulating; a waving motion or vibration; as, the undulations of a fluid, of water, or of air; the undulations of sound..
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