Carnage :: Carnage (n.) Flesh of slain animals or men.
Carnage :: Carnage (n.) Great destruction of life, as in battle; bloodshed; slaughter; massacre; murder; havoc..
Carnal :: Carnal (a.) Of or pertaining to the body or its appetites; animal; fleshly; sensual; given to sensual indulgence; lustful; human or worldly as opposed to spiritual.
Carnal :: Carnal (a.) Flesh-devouring; cruel; ravenous; bloody.
Carnal-minded :: Carnal-minded (a.) Worldly-minded.
Carnal-mindedness :: Carnal-mindedness (n.) Grossness of mind.
Carnalism :: Carnalism (n.) The state of being carnal; carnality; sensualism.
Carnalist :: Carnalist (n.) A sensualist.
Carnality :: Carnality (n.) The state of being carnal; fleshly lust, or the indulgence of lust; grossness of mind..
Carnalize :: Carnalize (v. t.) To make carnal; to debase to carnality.
Carnalized :: Carnalized (imp. & p. p.) of Carnaliz.
Carnalizing :: Carnalizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Carnaliz.
Carnallite :: Carnallite (n.) A hydrous chloride of potassium and magnesium, sometimes found associated with deposits of rock salt..
Carnally :: Carnally (adv.) According to the flesh, to the world, or to human nature; in a manner to gratify animal appetites and lusts; sensually..
Carnary :: Carnary (n.) A vault or crypt in connection with a church, used as a repository for human bones disintered from their original burial places; a charnel house..
Carnassial :: Carnassial (a.) Adapted to eating flesh.
Carnassial :: Carnassial (n.) A carnassial tooth; especially, the last premolar in many carnivores..
Carnate :: Carnate (a.) Invested with, or embodied in, flesh..
Carnation :: Carnation (n.) The natural color of flesh; rosy pink.
Carnation :: Carnation (n.) Those parts of a picture in which the human body or any part of it is represented in full color; the flesh tints.
Carnation :: Carnation (n.) A species of Dianthus (D. Caryophyllus) or pink, having very beautiful flowers of various colors, esp. white and usually a rich, spicy scent..
Carnationed :: Carnationed (a.) Having a flesh color.
Carnauba :: Carnauba (n.) The Brazilian wax palm. See Wax palm.
Carnelian :: Carnelian (n.) A variety of chalcedony, of a clear, deep red, flesh red, or reddish white color. It is moderately hard, capable of a good polish, and often used for seals..
Carneous :: Carneous (a.) Consisting of, or like, flesh; carnous; fleshy..
Carney :: Carney (n.) A disease of horses, in which the mouth is so furred that the afflicted animal can not eat..
Carnifex :: Carnifex (n.) The public executioner at Rome, who executed persons of the lowest rank; hence, an executioner or hangman..
Carnification :: Carnification (n.) The act or process of turning to flesh, or to a substance resembling flesh..
Carnify :: Carnify (v. i.) To form flesh; to become like flesh.
Carnin :: Carnin (n.) A white crystalline nitrogenous substance, found in extract of meat, and related to xanthin..
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