Definition of lamed

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Lamed (imp. & p. p.) of Lam.

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Pustule :: Pustule (n.) A vesicle or an elevation of the cuticle with an inflamed base, containing pus..
Surfy :: Surfoot (a.) Tired or sore of foot from travel; lamed.
Pulsation :: Pulsation (n.) A beating or throbbing, especially of the heart or of an artery, or in an inflamed part; a beat of the pulse..
Irritable :: Irritable (a.) Very susceptible of anger or passion; easily inflamed or exasperated; as, an irritable temper..
Poultice :: Poultice (n.) A soft composition, as of bread, bran, or a mucilaginous substance, to be applied to sores, inflamed parts of the body, etc.; a cataplasm..
Demulcent :: Demulcent (n.) A substance, usually of a mucilaginous or oily nature, supposed to be capable of soothing an inflamed nervous membrane, or protecting it from irritation. Gum Arabic, glycerin, olive oil, etc., are demulcents..
Lamed :: Lamed (imp. & p. p.) of Lam.
Lymph :: Lymph (n.) A fibrinous material exuded from the blood vessels in inflammation. In the process of healing it is either absorbed, or is converted into connective tissue binding the inflamed surfaces together..
Styan :: Sty (v. i.) An inflamed swelling or boil on the edge of the eyelid.
Rupia :: Rupia (n.) An eruption upon the skin, consisting of vesicles with inflamed base and filled with serous, purulent, or bloody fluid, which dries up, forming a blackish crust..
Gumboil :: Gumboil (n.) A small suppurting inflamed spot on the gum.
Flagrant :: Flagrant (a.) Flaming; inflamed; glowing; burning; ardent.
Carbuncular :: Carbuncular (a.) Belonging to a carbuncle; resembling a carbuncle; red; inflamed.
Imposthumation :: Imposthumation (n.) The act of forming an abscess; state of being inflamed; suppuration.
Mad :: Mad (superl.) Excited beyond self-control or the restraint of reason; inflamed by violent or uncontrollable desire, passion, or appetite; as, to be mad with terror, lust, or hatred; mad against political reform..
Rankle :: Rankle (a.) To produce a festering or inflamed effect; to cause a sore; -- used literally and figuratively; as, a splinter rankles in the flesh; the words rankled in his bosom..
Accendible :: Accendible (a.) Capable of being inflamed or kindled; combustible; inflammable.
Palamedeae :: Palamedeae (n. pl.) An order, or suborder, including the kamichi, and allied South American birds; -- called also screamers. In many anatomical characters they are allied to the Anseres, but they externally resemble the wading birds..
Anhima :: Anhima (n.) A South American aquatic bird; the horned screamer or kamichi (Palamedea cornuta). See Kamichi.
Fester :: Fester (n.) A small sore which becomes inflamed and discharges corrupt matter; a pustule.
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