Definition of labored

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Labored (imp. & p. p.) of Labo.

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Unlabored :: Unlabored (a.) Not laboriously produced, or not evincing labor; as, an unlabored style or work..
Laboredly :: Laboredly (adv.) In a labored manner; with labor.
Bookish :: Bookish (a.) Characterized by a method of expression generally found in books; formal; labored; pedantic; as, a bookish way of talking; bookish sentences..
Gasp :: Gasp (n.) The act of opening the mouth convulsively to catch the breath; a labored respiration; a painful catching of the breath.
Hard-labored :: Hard-labored (a.) Wrought with severe labor; elaborate; studied.
Unstudied :: Unstudied (a.) Not studied; not acquired by study; unlabored; natural.
Pant :: Pant (v. i.) To breathe quickly or in a labored manner, as after exertion or from eagerness or excitement; to respire with heaving of the breast; to gasp..
Belabored :: Belabored (imp. & p. p.) of Belabo.
Periergy :: Periergy (n.) A bombastic or labored style.
Labored :: Labored (a.) Bearing marks of labor and effort; elaborately wrought; not easy or natural; as, labored poetry; a labored style..
Pant :: Pant (v. t.) To breathe forth quickly or in a labored manner; to gasp out.
Unlabored :: Unlabored (a.) Not produced by labor or toil.
Labored :: Labored (imp. & p. p.) of Labo.
Unlabored :: Unlabored (a.) Not cultivated; untitled; as, an unlabored field..
Overlabored :: Overlabored (imp. & p. p.) of Overlabo.
Forswonk :: Forswonk (a.) Overlabored; exhausted; worn out.
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