Definition of area

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Area (n.) An extent of surface; a tract of the earth's surface; a region; as, vast uncultivated areas..

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Nectareal :: Nectareal (a.) Of or pertaining to a nectary.
Integrator :: Integrator (n.) That which integrates; esp., an instrument by means of which the area of a figure can be measured directly, or its moment of inertia, or statical moment, etc., be determined..
Escutcheon :: Escutcheon (n.) The depression behind the beak of certain bivalves; the ligamental area.
Crown :: Crown (n.) The area inclosed between two concentric perimeters.
Centreboard :: Centreboard (n.) A movable or sliding keel formed of a broad board or slab of wood or metal which may be raised into a water-tight case amidships, when in shallow water, or may be lowered to increase the area of lateral resistance and prevent leeway when the vessel is beating to windward. It is used in vessels of all sizes along the coast of the United States.
Aread :: Aread (v. t.) Alt. of Aree.
Hysterotomy :: Hysterotomy (n.) The Caesarean section. See under Caesarean.
Epileptogenous :: Epileptogenous (a.) Producing epilepsy or epileptoid convulsions; -- applied to areas of the body or of the nervous system, stimulation of which produces convulsions..
Tension :: Tension (a.) The quality in consequence of which an electric charge tends to discharge itself, as into the air by a spark, or to pass from a body of greater to one of less electrical potential. It varies as the quantity of electricity upon a given area..
Circuit :: Circuit (n.) The circumference of, or distance round, any space; the measure of a line round an area..
Epigastric :: Epigastric (a.) Over the stomach; -- applied to two of the areas of the carapace of crabs.
Trigone :: Trigone (n.) A smooth triangular area on the inner surface of the bladder, limited by the apertures of the ureters and urethra..
Boom :: Boom (n.) A line of connected floating timbers stretched across a river, or inclosing an area of water, to keep saw logs, etc., from floating away..
Raze :: Raze (n.) A Shakespearean word (used once) supposed to mean the same as race, a root..
Litmus :: Litmus (n.) A dyestuff extracted from certain lichens (Roccella tinctoria, Lecanora tartarea, etc.), as a blue amorphous mass which consists of a compound of the alkaline carbonates with certain coloring matters related to orcin and orcein..
Plateau :: Plateau (n.) A flat surface; especially, a broad, level, elevated area of land; a table-land..
Quadrable :: Quadrable (a.) That may be sqyared, or reduced to an equivalent square; -- said of a surface when the area limited by a curve can be exactly found, and expressed in a finite number of algebraic terms..
Centare :: Centare (n.) A measure of area, the hundredth part of an are; one square meter, or about 1/ square yards..
Nectareous :: Nectareous (a.) Of, pertaining to, containing, or resembling nectar; delicious; nectarean..
Quadrilateral :: Quadrilateral (n.) An area defended by four fortresses supporting each other; as, the Venetian quadrilateral, comprising Mantua, Peschiera, Verona, and Legnano..
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