Definition of abyssinian

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Abyssinian (n.) A native of Abyssinia.

Lern More About Abyssinian

Ethiopic :: Ethiopic (n.) The language of ancient Ethiopia; the language of the ancient Abyssinian empire (in Ethiopia), now used only in the Abyssinian church. It is of Semitic origin, and is also called Geez..
Abuna :: Abuna (n.) The Patriarch, or head of the Abyssinian Church..
Mocha :: Mocha (n.) An Abyssinian weight, equivalent to a Troy grain..
Guereza :: Guereza (n.) A beautiful Abyssinian monkey (Colobus guereza), having the body black, with a fringe of long, silky, white hair along the sides, and a tuft of the same at the end of the tail. The frontal band, cheeks, and chin are white..
Sangu :: Sangu (n.) The Abyssinian ox (Bos / Bibos, Africanus), noted for the great length of its horns. It has a hump on its back..
Kousso :: Kousso (n.) An Abyssinian rosaceous tree (Brayera anthelmintica), the flowers of which are used as a vermifuge..
Abyssinian :: Abyssinian (a.) Of or pertaining to Abyssinia.
Madoqua :: Madoqua (n.) A small Abyssinian antelope (Neotragus Saltiana), about the size of a hare..
Abyssinian :: Abyssinian (n.) A member of the Abyssinian Church.
Abyssinian :: Abyssinian (n.) A native of Abyssinia.
Musa :: Musa (n.) A genus of perennial, herbaceous, endogenous plants of great size, including the banana (Musa sapientum), the plantain (M. paradisiaca of Linnaeus, but probably not a distinct species), the Abyssinian (M. Ensete), the Philippine Island (M. textilis, which yields Manila hemp), and about eighteen other species. See Illust. of Banana and Plantain..
Beden :: Beden (n.) The Abyssinian or Arabian ibex (Capra Nubiana). It is probably the wild goat of the Bible.
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