Definition of judaizing

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Judaizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Judaiz.

Lern More About Judaizing

Judaization :: Judaization (n.) The act of Judaizing; a conforming to the Jewish religion or ritual.
Judaizing :: Judaizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Judaiz.
Valentinian :: Valentinian (n.) One of a school of Judaizing Gnostics in the second century; -- so called from Valentinus, the founder..
Heracleonite :: Heracleonite (n.) A follower of Heracleon of Alexandria, a Judaizing Gnostic, in the early history of the Christian church..
Nazarene :: Nazarene (n.) One of a sect of Judaizing Christians in the first and second centuries, who observed the laws of Moses, and held to certain heresies..
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