Definition of jovial

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"Jovial (a.) Of or pertaining to the god, or the planet, Jupiter..

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Merrymaker :: Merrymaker (n.) One who makes merriment or indulges in conviviality; a jovial comrade.
Merry :: Merry (superl.) Laughingly gay; overflowing with good humor and good spirits; jovial; inclined to laughter or play ; sportive.
Jovialist :: Jovialist (n.) One who lives a jovial life.
Merrily :: Merrily (adv.) In a merry manner; with mirth; with gayety and laughter; jovially. See Mirth, and Merry..
Circumjovial :: Circumjovial (n.) One of the moons or satellites of the planet Jupiter.
Mellow :: Mellow (superl.) Well matured; softened by years; genial; jovial.
Carousal :: Carousal (n.) A jovial feast or festival; a drunken revel; a carouse.
Bacchical :: Bacchical (a.) Of or relating to Bacchus; hence, jovial, or riotous,with intoxication..
Bully :: Bully (a.) Jovial and blustering; dashing.
Jovial :: "Jovial (a.) Gay; merry; joyous; jolly; mirth-inspiring; hilarious; characterized by mirth or jollity; as, a jovial youth; a jovial company; a jovial poem..
Joviality :: Joviality (n.) The quality or state of being jovial.
Boon :: Boon (n.) Gay; merry; jovial; convivial.
Jovial :: Jovial (a.) Sunny; serene.
Convivial :: Convivial (a.) Of or relating to a feast or entertainment, or to eating and drinking, with accompanying festivity; festive; social; gay; jovial..
Jovialness :: Jovialness (n.) Noisy mirth; joviality.
Bon Vivant :: Bon vivant (p. pr.) A good fellow; a jovial companion; a free liver.
Jovial :: "Jovial (a.) Of or pertaining to the god, or the planet, Jupiter..
Genial :: Genial (a.) Contributing to, and sympathizing with, the enjoyment of life; sympathetically cheerful and cheering; jovial and inspiring joy or happiness; exciting pleasure and sympathy; enlivening; kindly; as, she was of a cheerful and genial disposition..
Jovially :: Jovially (adv.) In a jovial manner; merrily; gayly.
Jovialty :: Jovialty (n.) Joviality.
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