Definition of jeering

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Jeering (n.) A mocking utterance.

Lern More About Jeering

Jeering :: Jeering (a.) Mocking; scoffing.
Jeering :: Jeering (n.) A mocking utterance.
Jeering :: Jeering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Jee.
Skimmington :: Skimmington (n.) A word employed in the phrase, To ride Skimmington; that is to ride on a horse with a woman, but behind her, facing backward, carrying a distaff, and accompanied by a procession of jeering neighbors making mock music; a cavalcade in ridicule of a henpecked man. The custom was in vogue in parts of England..
Mock :: Mock (v. i.) To make sport contempt or in jest; to speak in a scornful or jeering manner.
Scoptical :: Scoptical (a.) Jesting; jeering; scoffing.
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