Definition of issue

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Issue (v. i.) In pleading, to come to a point in fact or law, on which the parties join issue..

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Elaboration :: Elaboration (n.) The natural process of formation or assimilation, performed by the living organs in animals and vegetables, by which a crude substance is changed into something of a higher order; as, the elaboration of food into chyme; the elaboration of chyle, or sap, or tissues..
Pinenchyma :: Pinenchyma (n.) Tabular parenchyma, a form of cellular tissue in which the cells are broad and flat, as in some kinds of epidermis..
Rhinoplasty :: Rhinoplasty (n.) Plastic surgery of the nose to correct deformity or to replace lost tissue. Tissue may be transplanted from the patient's cheek, forehead, arm, etc., or even from another person..
Bank :: Bank (n.) An establishment for the custody, loan, exchange, or issue, of money, and for facilitating the transmission of funds by drafts or bills of exchange; an institution incorporated for performing one or more of such functions, or the stockholders (or their representatives, the directors), acting in their corporate capacity..
Trachea :: Trachea (n.) One of the large cells in woody tissue which have spiral, annular, or other markings, and are connected longitudinally so as to form continuous ducts..
Issue :: Issue (n.) That which passes, flows, or is sent out; the whole quantity sent forth or emitted at one time; as, an issue of bank notes; the daily issue of a newspaper..
Adventure :: Adventure (n.) The encountering of risks; hazardous and striking enterprise; a bold undertaking, in which hazards are to be encountered, and the issue is staked upon unforeseen events; a daring feat..
Breve :: Breve (n.) Any writ or precept under seal, issued out of any court..
Owing :: Owing (P. p. & a.) Had or experienced as a consequence, result, issue, etc.; ascribable; -- with to; as, misfortunes are often owing to vices; his failure was owing to speculations..
Fibroid :: Fibroid (a.) Resembling or forming fibrous tissue; made up of fibers; as, fibroid tumors..
Turn :: Turn (v. i.) To result or terminate; to come about; to eventuate; to issue.
Venous :: Venous (a.) Contained in the veins, or having the same qualities as if contained in the veins, that is, having a dark bluish color and containing an insufficient amount of oxygen so as no longer to be fit for oxygenating the tissues; -- said of the blood, and opposed to arterial..
Bleed :: Bleed (v. i.) To issue forth, or drop, as blood from an incision..
Emission :: Emission (n.) The act of sending or throwing out; the act of sending forth or putting into circulation; issue; as, the emission of light from the sun; the emission of heat from a fire; the emission of bank notes..
Issue :: Issue (n.) Progeny; a child or children; offspring. In law, sometimes, in a general sense, all persons descended from a common ancestor; all lineal descendants..
Seven-thirties :: Seven-thirties (n. pl.) A name given to three several issues of United States Treasury notes, made during the Civil War, in denominations of $50 and over, bearing interest at the rate of seven and three tenths (thirty hundredths) per cent annually. Within a few years they were all redeemed or funded..
Parasite :: Parasite (n.) An animal which lives during the whole or part of its existence on or in the body of some other animal, feeding upon its food, blood, or tissues, as lice, tapeworms, etc..
Pulp :: Pulp (n.) A tissue or part resembling pulp; especially, the soft, highly vascular and sensitive tissue which fills the central cavity, called the pulp cavity, of teeth..
Tissue :: Tissue (n.) A woven fabric.
Homoplasty :: Homoplasty (n.) The formation of homologous tissues.
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