Definition of irrigate

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Irrigate (v. t.) To water; to wet; to moisten with running or dropping water; to bedew.

Lern More About Irrigate

Irrigate :: Irrigate (v. t.) To water, as land, by causing a stream to flow upon, over, or through it, as in artificial channels..
Irrigated :: Irrigated (imp. & p. p.) of Irrigat.
Catch-meadow :: Catch-meadow (n.) A meadow irrigated by water from a spring or rivulet on the side of hill.
Irrigation :: Irrigation (n.) The act or process of irrigating, or the state of being irrigated; especially, the operation of causing water to flow over lands, for nourishing plants..
Water :: Water (v. t.) To wet or supply with water; to moisten; to overflow with water; to irrigate; as, to water land; to water flowers..
Jantu :: "Jantu (n.) A machine of great antiquity, used in Bengal for raising water to irrigate land..
Irrigate :: Irrigate (v. t.) To water; to wet; to moisten with running or dropping water; to bedew.
Pane :: Pane (n.) In irrigating, a subdivision of an irrigated surface between a feeder and an outlet drain..
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