Definition of irresolution

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Irresolution (n.) Want of resolution; want of decision in purpose; a fluctuation of mind, as in doubt, or between hope and fear; irresoluteness; indecision; vacillation..

Lern More About Irresolution

Irresolute :: Irresolute (a.) Not resolute; not decided or determined; wavering; given to doubt or irresolution.
Misdoubt :: Misdoubt (n.) Irresolution; hesitation.
Stability :: Stability (a.) Steadiness or firmness of character, firmness of resolution or purpose; the quality opposite to fickleness, irresolution, or inconstancy; constancy; steadfastness; as, a man of little stability, or of unusual stability..
Irresolution :: Irresolution (n.) Want of resolution; want of decision in purpose; a fluctuation of mind, as in doubt, or between hope and fear; irresoluteness; indecision; vacillation..
Indecision :: Indecision (n.) Want of decision; want of settled purpose, or of firmness; indetermination; wavering of mind; irresolution; vacillation; hesitation..
Shilly-shally :: Shilly-shally (n.) Irresolution; hesitation; also, occupation with trifles..
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