Definition of inwards

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of inwards is as below...

Inwards (a.) Into, or toward, the mind or thoughts; inwardly; as, to turn the attention inward..

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Cerebripetal :: Cerebripetal (a.) Applied to those nerve fibers which go from the spinal cord to the brain and so transfer sensations (centripetal impressions) from the exterior inwards.
Inwards :: Inwards (a.) Toward the inside; toward the center or interior; as, to bend a thing inward..
Afferent :: Afferent (a.) Bearing or conducting inwards to a part or organ; -- opposed to efferent; as, afferent vessels; afferent nerves, which convey sensations from the external organs to the brain..
Inwards :: Inwards (a.) Into, or toward, the mind or thoughts; inwardly; as, to turn the attention inward..
Aduncous :: Aduncous (a.) Curved inwards; hooked.
Implosion :: Implosion (n.) A burstion inwards, as of a vessel from which the air has been exhausted; -- contrasted with explosion..
Apodeme :: Apodeme (n.) One of the processes of the shell which project inwards and unite with one another, in the thorax of many Crustacea..
Inrush :: Inrush (n.) A rush inwards; as, the inrush of the tide..
Bar :: Bar (n.) The part of the crust of a horse's hoof which is bent inwards towards the frog at the heel on each side, and extends into the center of the sole..
Bank-sided :: Bank-sided (a.) Having sides inclining inwards, as a ship; -- opposed to wall-sided..
Aduncity :: Aduncity (n.) Curvature inwards; hookedness.
Inflexed :: Inflexed (a.) Bent or turned abruptly inwards, or toward the axis, as the petals of a flower..
Incurvity :: Incurvity (n.) A state of being bent or curved; incurvation; a bending inwards.
Perimysium :: Perimysium (n.) The connective tissue sheath which surrounds a muscle, and sends partitions inwards between the bundles of muscular fibers..
Inwards :: Inwards (adv.) See Inward.
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