Definition of involution

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Involution (n.) The act or process of raising a quantity to any power assigned; the multiplication of a quantity into itself a given number of times; -- the reverse of evolution.

Lern More About Involution

Involution :: Involution (n.) The act of involving or infolding.
Evolution :: Evolution (n.) The extraction of roots; -- the reverse of involution.
Involution :: Involution (n.) The return of an enlarged part or organ to its normal size, as of the uterus after pregnancy..
Intricacy :: Intricacy (n.) The state or quality of being intricate or entangled; perplexity; involution; complication; complexity; that which is intricate or involved; as, the intricacy of a knot; the intricacy of accounts; the intricacy of a cause in controversy; the intricacy of a plot..
Entanglement :: Entanglement (n.) State of being entangled; intricate and confused involution; that which entangles; intricacy; perplexity.
Self-involution :: Self-involution (n.) Involution in one's self; hence, abstraction of thought; reverie..
Involution :: Involution (n.) The act or process of raising a quantity to any power assigned; the multiplication of a quantity into itself a given number of times; -- the reverse of evolution.
Involution :: Involution (n.) That in which anything is involved, folded, or wrapped; envelope..
Involution :: Involution (n.) The insertion of one or more clauses between the subject and the verb, in a way that involves or complicates the construction..
Involution :: Involution (n.) The state of being entangled or involved; complication; entanglement.
Involution :: Involution (n.) The relation which exists between three or more sets of points, a.a', b.b', c.c', so related to a point O on the line, that the product Oa.Oa' = Ob.Ob' = Oc.Oc' is constant. Sets of lines or surfaces possessing corresponding properties may be in involution..
Subitaneous :: Subinvolution (n.) Partial or incomplete involution; as, subinvolution of the uterus..
Implexion :: Implexion (n.) Act of involving, or state of being involved; involution..
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