Definition of introit

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Introit (n.) An anthem or psalm sung before the Communion service.

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Introit :: Introit (n.) An anthem or psalm sung before the Communion service.
Jubilate :: "Jubilate (n.) The third Sunday after Easter; -- so called because the introit is the 66th Psalm, which, in the Latin version, begins with the words, ""Jubilate Deo."".
Laetere Sunday :: Laetere Sunday () The fourth Sunday of Lent; -- so named from the Latin word Laetare (rejoice), the first word in the antiphone of the introit sung that day in the Roman Catholic service..
Sequence :: Sequence (n.) A hymn introduced in the Mass on certain festival days, and recited or sung immediately before the gospel, and after the gradual or introit, whence the name..
Introit :: Introit (n.) A going in.
Introit :: Introit (n.) A part of a psalm or other portion of Scripture read by the priest at Mass immediately after ascending to the altar.
Introit :: Introit (n.) Any composition of vocal music appropriate to the opening of church services.
Introit :: Introit (n.) A psalm sung or chanted immediately before the collect, epistle, and gospel, and while the priest is entering within the rails of the altar..
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