Definition of intrenchment

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Intrenchment (n.) An encroachment or infringement.

Lern More About Intrenchment

Intrenchment :: Intrenchment (n.) The act of intrenching or the state of being intrenched.
Intrenchment :: Intrenchment (n.) Any defense or protection.
Vallation :: Vallation (n.) A rampart or intrenchment.
Intrench :: Intrench (v. t.) To surround with a trench or with intrenchments, as in fortification; to fortify with a ditch and parapet; as, the army intrenched their camp, or intrenched itself..
Pah :: Pah (n.) A kind of stockaded intrenchment.
Antestature :: Antestature (n.) A small intrenchment or work of palisades, or of sacks of earth..
Intrenchment :: Intrenchment (n.) An encroachment or infringement.
Intrenchment :: Intrenchment (n.) Any defensive work consisting of at least a trench or ditch and a parapet made from the earth thrown up in making such a ditch.
Cremaillere :: Cremaillere (n.) An indented or zigzaged line of intrenchment.
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