Definition of intestinal

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Intestinal (a.) Of or pertaining to the intestines of an animal; as, the intestinal tube; intestinal digestion; intestinal ferments..

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Lithofellic :: Lithofellic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, a crystalline, organic acid, resembling cholic acid, found in the biliary intestinal concretions (bezoar stones) common in certain species of antelope..
Enterorrhaphy :: Enterorrhaphy (n.) The operation of sewing up a rent in the intestinal canal.
Lieno-intestinal :: Lieno-intestinal (a.) Of or pertaining to the spleen and intestine; as, the lieno-intestinal vein of the frog..
Taxis :: Taxis (n.) Manipulation applied to a hernial tumor, or to an intestinal obstruction, for the purpose of reducing it..
Ganoidei :: Ganoidei (n. pl.) One of the subclasses of fishes. They have an arterial cone and bulb, spiral intestinal valve, and the optic nerves united by a chiasma. Many of the species are covered with bony plates, or with ganoid scales; others have cycloid scales..
Chyle :: Chyle (n.) A milky fluid containing the fatty matter of the food in a state of emulsion, or fine mechanical division; formed from chyme by the action of the intestinal juices. It is absorbed by the lacteals, and conveyed into the blood by the thoracic duct..
Cloaca :: Cloaca (n.) The common chamber into which the intestinal, urinary, and generative canals discharge in birds, reptiles, amphibians, and many fishes..
Acanthocephala :: Acanthocephala (n. pl.) A group of intestinal worms, having the proboscis armed with recurved spines..
Enteric :: Enteric (a.) Of or pertaining to the enteron, or alimentary canal; intestinal..
Gastroenteric :: Gastroenteric (a.) Gastrointestinal.
Intestinal :: Intestinal (a.) Of or pertaining to the intestines of an animal; as, the intestinal tube; intestinal digestion; intestinal ferments..
Antiperistaltic :: Antiperistaltic (a.) Opposed to, or checking motion; acting upward; -- applied to an inverted action of the intestinal tube..
Cholera :: Cholera (n.) One of several diseases affecting the digestive and intestinal tract and more or less dangerous to life, esp. the one commonly called Asiatic cholera..
Stercolin :: Stercobilin (n.) A coloring matter found in the faeces, a product of the alteration of the bile pigments in the intestinal canal, -- identical with hydrobilirubin..
Vermicide :: Vermicide (n.) A medicine which destroys intestinal worms; a worm killer.
Ileus :: Ileus (n.) A morbid condition due to intestinal obstruction. It is characterized by complete constipation, with griping pains in the abdomen, which is greatly distended, and in the later stages by vomiting of fecal matter. Called also ileac, / iliac, passion..
Trichinosis :: Trichinosis (n.) The disease produced by the presence of trichinae in the muscles and intestinal track. It is marked by fever, muscular pains, and symptoms resembling those of typhoid fever, and is frequently fatal..
Enteradenography :: Enteradenography (n.) A treatise upon, or description of, the intestinal glands..
Taenia :: Taenia (n.) A genus of intestinal worms which includes the common tapeworms of man. See Tapeworm.
Gastrointestinal :: Gastrointestinal (a.) Of or pertaining to the stomach and intestines; gastroenteric.
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