Profulgent :: Profulgent (a.) Shining forth; brilliant; effulgent.
Profundity :: Profundity (n.) The quality or state of being profound; depth of place, knowledge, feeling, etc..
Profuse :: Profuse (a.) Pouring forth with fullness or exuberance; bountiful; exceedingly liberal; giving without stint; as, a profuse government; profuse hospitality..
Profuse :: Profuse (a.) Superabundant; excessive; prodigal; lavish; as, profuse expenditure..
Profuse :: Profuse (v. t.) To pour out; to give or spend liberally; to lavish; to squander.
Profusion :: Profusion (n.) The act of one who is profuse; a lavishing or pouring out without sting.
Profusion :: Profusion (n.) Abundance; exuberant plenty; lavish supply; as, a profusion of commodities..