Definition of profuse

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Profuse (v. t.) To pour out; to give or spend liberally; to lavish; to squander.

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Bibulously :: Bibulously (adv.) In a bibulous manner; with profuse imbibition or absorption.
Prodigal :: Prodigal (n.) One who expends money extravagantly, viciously, or without necessity; one that is profuse or lavish in any expenditure; a waster; a spendthrift..
Dissipation :: Dissipation (n.) A dissolute course of life, in which health, money, etc., are squandered in pursuit of pleasure; profuseness in vicious indulgence, as late hours, riotous living, etc.; dissoluteness..
Unsparing :: Unsparing (a.) Not sparing; not parsimonious; liberal; profuse.
Profusely :: Profusely (adv.) In a profuse manner.
Pyaemia :: Pyaemia (n.) A form of blood poisoning produced by the absorption into the blood of morbid matters usually originating in a wound or local inflammation. It is characterized by the development of multiple abscesses throughout the body, and is attended with irregularly recurring chills, fever, profuse sweating, and exhaustion..
Effuse :: Effuse (a.) Poured out freely; profuse.
Large :: Large (superl.) Full in statement; diffuse; full; profuse.
Profuse :: Profuse (a.) Superabundant; excessive; prodigal; lavish; as, profuse expenditure..
Profusion :: Profusion (n.) The act of one who is profuse; a lavishing or pouring out without sting.
Desudation :: Desudation (n.) A sweating; a profuse or morbid sweating, often succeeded by an eruption of small pimples..
Menorrhagia :: Menorrhagia (n.) Any profuse bleeding from the uterus; Metrorrhagia.
Liberal :: Liberal (a.) Bestowed in a large way; hence, more than sufficient; abundant; bountiful; ample; profuse; as, a liberal gift; a liberal discharge of matter or of water..
Profuse :: Profuse (v. t.) To pour out; to give or spend liberally; to lavish; to squander.
Squander :: Squander (v. t.) To spend lavishly or profusely; to spend prodigally or wastefully; to use without economy or judgment; to dissipate; as, to squander an estate..
Spare :: Spare (v. i.) To be frugal; not to be profuse; to live frugally; to be parsimonious.
Prodigally :: Prodigally (adv.) In a prodigal manner; with profusion of expense; extravagantly; wasteful; profusely; lavishly; as, an estate prodigally dissipated..
Plentiful :: Plentiful (a.) Lavish; profuse; prodigal.
Lather :: Lather (v. i.) To form lather, or a froth like lather; to accumulate foam from profuse sweating, as a horse..
Frank :: Frank (n.) Liberal; generous; profuse.
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