Definition of interrogate

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of interrogate is as below...

Interrogate (v. t.) To question formally; to question; to examine by asking questions; as, to interrogate a witness..

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Catechise :: Catechise (v. t.) To question or interrogate; to examine or try by questions; -- sometimes with a view to reproof, by eliciting from a person answers which condemn his own conduct..
Examiner :: Examiner (n.) One who examines, tries, or inspects; one who interrogates; an officer or person charged with the duty of making an examination; as, an examiner of students for a degree; an examiner in chancery, in the patent office, etc..
Examine :: Examine (v. t.) To interrogate as in a judicial proceeding; to try or test by question; as, to examine a witness in order to elicit testimony, a student to test his qualifications, a bankrupt touching the state of his property, etc..
Pose :: Pose (v. t.) To interrogate; to question.
Interrogate :: Interrogate (v. t.) To question formally; to question; to examine by asking questions; as, to interrogate a witness..
Interrogate :: Interrogate (n.) An interrogation; a question.
Reinterrogate :: Reinterrogate (v. t.) To interrogate again; to question repeatedly.
Ask :: Ask (v. t.) To interrogate or inquire of or concerning; to put a question to or about; to question.
Unquestioned :: Unquestioned (a.) Not interrogated; having no questions asked; not examined or examined into.
Interrogate :: Interrogate (v. i.) To ask questions.
Interrogatee :: Interrogatee (n.) One who is interrogated.
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