Definition of intelligent

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of intelligent is as below...

Intelligent (a.) Possessed of intelligence, education, or judgment; knowing; sensible; skilled; marked by intelligence; as, an intelligent young man; an intelligent architect; an intelligent answer..

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Intelligent :: Intelligent (a.) Possessed of intelligence, education, or judgment; knowing; sensible; skilled; marked by intelligence; as, an intelligent young man; an intelligent architect; an intelligent answer..
Intelligential :: Intelligential (a.) Consisting of unembodied mind; incorporeal.
Intelligent :: Intelligent (a.) Endowed with the faculty of understanding or reason; as, man is an intelligent being..
Sensible :: Sensible (a.) Possessing or containing sense or reason; giftedwith, or characterized by, good or common sense; intelligent; wise..
Understand :: Understand (v. i.) To have the use of the intellectual faculties; to be an intelligent being.
Brightly :: Brightly (adv.) With lively intelligence; intelligently.
Bright :: Bright (a.) Having a clear, quick intellect; intelligent..
Spirit :: Spirit (n.) The intelligent, immaterial and immortal part of man; the soul, in distinction from the body in which it resides; the agent or subject of vital and spiritual functions, whether spiritual or material..
Understandingly :: Understandingly (adv.) In an understanding manner; intelligibly; with full knowledge or comprehension; intelligently; as, to vote upon a question understandingly; to act or judge understandingly..
Inexpressive :: Inexpressive (a.) Without expression or meaning; not expressive; dull; unintelligent; as, an inexpressive countenance..
Understanding :: Understanding (a.) Knowing; intelligent; skillful; as, he is an understanding man..
Intelligent :: Intelligent (a.) Gognizant; aware; communicate.
Atheism :: Atheism (n.) The disbelief or denial of the existence of a God, or supreme intelligent Being..
Intelligential :: Intelligential (a.) Of or pertaining to the intelligence; exercising or implying understanding; intellectual.
Intellective :: Intellective (a.) Having power to understand, know, or comprehend; intelligent; rational..
Brute :: Brute (a.) Having the physical powers predominating over the mental; coarse; unpolished; unintelligent.
Atheist :: Atheist (n.) One who disbelieves or denies the existence of a God, or supreme intelligent Being..
Inscient :: Inscient (a.) Having knowledge or insight; intelligent.
Luminous :: Luminous (a.) Enlightened; intelligent; also, clear; intelligible; as, a luminous mind..
Rank :: Rank (n. & v.) An aggregate of individuals classed together; a permanent social class; an order; a division; as, ranks and orders of men; the highest and the lowest ranks of men, or of other intelligent beings..
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