Definition of sensible

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Sensible (a.) Possessing or containing sense or reason; giftedwith, or characterized by, good or common sense; intelligent; wise..

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Supersensuous :: Supersensuous (a.) Supersensible.
Steel :: Steel (n.) To make hard or strong; hence, to make insensible or obdurate..
Sensitive :: Sensitive (a.) Serving to affect the sense; sensible.
Relentless :: Relentless (a.) Unmoved by appeals for sympathy or forgiveness; insensible to the distresses of others; destitute of tenderness; unrelenting; unyielding; unpitying; as, a prey to relentless despotism..
Horizon :: Horizon (n.) A plane passing through the eye of the spectator and at right angles to the vertical at a given place; a plane tangent to the earth's surface at that place; called distinctively the sensible horizon.
Stolidity :: Stolid (a.) Hopelessly insensible or stupid; not easily aroused or excited; dull; impassive; foolish.
Insensible :: Insensible (a.) Not sensible or reasonable; meaningless.
Subsensible :: Subsemitone (n.) The sensible or leading note, or sharp seventh, of any key; subtonic..
Penetrate :: Penetrate (v. t.) To affect profoundly through the senses or feelings; to touch with feeling; to make sensible; to move deeply; as, to penetrate one's heart with pity..
Sensible :: Sensible (a.) Perceiving or having perception, either by the senses or the mind; cognizant; perceiving so clearly as to be convinced; satisfied; persuaded..
Altitude :: Altitude (n.) The elevation of a point, or star, or other celestial object, above the horizon, measured by the arc of a vertical circle intercepted between such point and the horizon. It is either true or apparent; true when measured from the rational or real horizon, apparent when from the sensible or apparent horizon..
Idea :: Idea (n.) The transcript, image, or picture of a visible object, that is formed by the mind; also, a similar image of any object whatever, whether sensible or spiritual..
Etherize :: Etherize (v. t.) To render insensible by means of ether, as by inhalation; as, to etherize a patient..
Alterative :: Alterative (n.) A medicine or treatment which gradually induces a change, and restores healthy functions without sensible evacuations..
Anaesthetic :: Anaesthetic (a.) Capable of rendering insensible; as, anaesthetic agents..
Sensible :: Sensible (a.) Capable of being perceived by the senses; apprehensible through the bodily organs; hence, also, perceptible to the mind; making an impression upon the sense, reason, or understanding; ////// heat; sensible resistance..
Sensibly :: Sensibly (adv.) In a sensible manner; so as to be perceptible to the senses or to the mind; appreciably; with perception; susceptibly; sensitively.
Virtue :: Virtue (n.) Energy or influence operating without contact of the material or sensible substance.
Resent :: Resent (v. t.) To be sensible of; to fee.
Imponderable :: Imponderable (a.) Not ponderable; without sensible or appreciable weight; incapable of being weighed.
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