Definition of insurer

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Insurer (n.) One who, or that which, insures; the person or company that contracts to indemnify losses for a premium; an underwriter..

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Reinsurance :: Reinsurance (n.) A contract by which an insurer is insured wholly or in part against the risk he has incurred in insuring somebody else. See Reassurance.
Underwriter :: Underwriter (n.) One who underwrites his name to the conditions of an insurance policy, especially of a marine policy; an insurer..
Insurer :: Insurer (n.) One who, or that which, insures; the person or company that contracts to indemnify losses for a premium; an underwriter..
Ensurer :: Ensurer (n.) See Insurer.
Liability :: Liability (n.) The state of being liable; as, the liability of an insurer; liability to accidents; liability to the law..
Reinsurer :: Reinsurer (n.) One who gives reinsurance.
Insurancer :: Insurancer (n.) One who effects insurance; an insurer; an underwriter.
Assurer :: Assurer (n.) One who assures. Specifically: One who insures against loss; an insurer or underwriter.
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