Definition of inship

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Inship (v. t.) To embark.

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Blood :: Blood (n.) Relationship by descent from a common ancestor; consanguinity; kinship.
Captainry :: Captainry (n.) Power, or command, over a certain district; chieftainship..
Cousinship :: Cousinship (n.) The relationship of cousins; state of being cousins; cousinhood.
Swaip :: Swainship (n.) The condition of a swain.
Cousinage :: Cousinage (n.) Relationship; kinship.
Chieftainship :: Chieftainship (n.) The rank, dignity, or office of a chieftain..
Relation :: Relation (n.) Connection by consanguinity or affinity; kinship; relationship; as, the relation of parents and children..
Kinship :: Kinship (n.) Family relationship.
Inship :: Inship (v. t.) To embark.
Chamberlainship :: Chamberlainship (n.) Office of a chamberlain.
Kinsmanship :: Kinsmanship (n.) Kinship.
Captainship :: Captainship (n.) Military skill; as, to show good captainship..
Affinity :: Affinity (n.) Kinship generally; close agreement; relation; conformity; resemblance; connection; as, the affinity of sounds, of colors, or of languages..
Chaplainship :: Chaplainship (n.) The possession or revenue of a chapel.
Parentele :: Parentele (n.) Kinship; parentage.
Captainship :: Captainship (n.) The condition, rank, post, or authority of a captain or chief commander..
Chaplainship :: Chaplainship (n.) The office or business of a chaplain.
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