Definition of inquisition

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Inquisition (n.) The act of inquiring; inquiry; search; examination; inspection; investigation.

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Inquisitional :: Inquisitional (a.) Relating to inquiry or inquisition; inquisitorial; also, of or pertaining to, or characteristic of, the Inquisition..
Inquisition :: Inquisition (n.) The finding of a jury, especially such a finding under a writ of inquiry..
Investigate :: Investigate (v. t.) To follow up step by step by patient inquiry or observation; to trace or track mentally; to search into; to inquire and examine into with care and accuracy; to find out by careful inquisition; as, to investigate the causes of natural phenomena..
Inquisition :: Inquisition (n.) A court or tribunal for the examination and punishment of heretics, fully established by Pope Gregory IX. in 1235. Its operations were chiefly confined to Spain, Portugal, and their dependencies, and a part of Italy..
Inquisitorial :: Inquisitorial (a.) Pertaining to inquisition; making rigorous and unfriendly inquiry; searching; as, inquisitorial power..
Inquisitor :: Inquisitor (n.) A member of the Court of Inquisition.
Inquisition :: Inquisition (n.) The act of inquiring; inquiry; search; examination; inspection; investigation.
Inquisition :: Inquisition (n.) Judicial inquiry; official examination; inquest.
Inquisition :: Inquisition (v. t.) To make inquisistion concerning; to inquire into.
Inquirable :: Inquirable (a.) Capable of being inquired into; subject or liable to inquisition or inquest.
Auto-da-fe :: Auto-da-fe (n.) A session of the court of Inquisition.
Presentment :: Presentment (n.) The notice taken by a grand jury of any offence from their own knowledge or observation, without any bill of indictment laid before them, as, the presentment of a nuisance, a libel, or the like; also, an inquisition of office and indictment by a grand jury; an official accusation presented to a tribunal by the grand jury in an indictment, or the act of offering an indictment; also, the indictment itself..
Auto-da-fe :: Auto-da-fe (n.) A judgment of the Inquisition in Spain and Portugal condemning or acquitting persons accused of religious offenses.
Inquisitionary :: Inquisitionary (a.) Inquisitional.
Sanbenito :: Sanbenito (n.) A garnment or cap, or sometimes both, painted with flames, figures, etc., and worn by persons who had been examined by the Inquisition and were brought forth for punishment at the auto-da-fe..
Inquisitorial :: Inquisitorial (a.) Pertaining to the Court of Inquisition or resembling its practices.
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