Definition of inkle

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Inkle (v. t.) To guess.

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Proboscidifera :: Proboscidifera (n. pl.) An extensive division of pectinibranchiate gastropods, including those that have a long retractile proboscis, with the mouth at the end, as the cones, whelks, tritons, and cowries. See Illust. of Gastropoda, and of Winkle..
Bespatter :: Bespatter (v. t.) To soil by spattering; to sprinkle, esp. with dirty water, mud, or anything which will leave foul spots or stains..
Ice Plant :: Ice plant () A plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum), sprinkled with pellucid, watery vesicles, which glisten like ice. It is native along the Mediterranean, in the Canaries, and in South Africa. Its juice is said to be demulcent and diuretic; its ashes are used in Spain in making glass..
Scowl :: Scowl (v. i.) To wrinkle the brows, as in frowning or displeasure; to put on a frowning look; to look sour, sullen, severe, or angry..
Sprinkling :: Sprinkled (imp. & p. p.) of Sprinkl.
Glance :: Glance (v. i.) To move quickly, appearing and disappearing rapidly; to be visible only for an instant at a time; to move interruptedly; to twinkle..
Sparge :: Sparge (v. t.) To sprinkle; to moisten by sprinkling; as, to sparge paper..
Crinkled :: Crinkled (a.) Having short bends, turns, or wrinkles; wrinkled; wavy; zigzag..
Crinkle :: Crinkle (v. i.) To turn or wind; to run in and out in many short bends or turns; to curl; to run in waves; to wrinkle; also, to rustle, as stiff cloth when moved..
Catapasm :: Catapasm (n.) A compound medicinal powder, used by the ancients to sprinkle on ulcers, to absorb perspiration, etc..
Shed :: Shed (v. t.) To sprinkle; to intersperse; to cover.
Simper :: Simper (v. i.) To glimmer; to twinkle.
Wrinkle :: Wrinkle (v. t.) Hence, to make rough or uneven in any way..
Sprew :: Sprent () p. p. of Sprenge. Sprinkled.
Rumpled :: Rumpled (a.) Wrinkled; crumpled.
Ridge :: Ridge (v. t.) To wrinkle.
Dusty :: Dusty (superl.) Filled, covered, or sprinkled with dust; clouded with dust; as, a dusty table; also, reducing to dust..
Crankle :: Crankle (v. t.) To break into bends, turns, or angles; to crinkle..
Twinkle :: Twinkle (n.) A brief flash or gleam, esp. when rapidly repeated..
Corrugate :: Corrugate (v. t.) To form or shape into wrinkles or folds, or alternate ridges and grooves, as by drawing, contraction, pressure, bending, or otherwise; to wrinkle; to purse up; as, to corrugate plates of iron; to corrugate the forehead..
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