Definition of indubitable

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of indubitable is as below...

Indubitable (a.) Not dubitable or doubtful; too evident to admit of doubt; unquestionable; evident; apparently certain; as, an indubitable conclusion..

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Assured :: Assured (a.) Made sure; safe; insured; certain; indubitable; not doubting; bold to excess.
Indubitable :: Indubitable (n.) That which is indubitable.
Apparent :: Apparent (a.) Clear or manifest to the understanding; plain; evident; obvious; known; palpable; indubitable.
Undubitable :: Undubitable (a.) Indubitable; as, an undubitable principle..
Undoubted :: Undoubted (a.) Not doubted; not called in question; indubitable; indisputable; as, undoubted proof; undoubted hero..
Demonstrator :: Demonstrator (n.) One who demonstrates; one who proves anything with certainty, or establishes it by indubitable evidence..
Indubitable :: Indubitable (a.) Not dubitable or doubtful; too evident to admit of doubt; unquestionable; evident; apparently certain; as, an indubitable conclusion..
Infallible :: Infallible (a.) Not liable to fail, deceive, or disappoint; indubitable; sure; certain; as, infallible evidence; infallible success; an infallible remedy..
Undoubtable :: Undoubtable (a.) Indubitable.
Indubitableness :: Indubitableness (n.) The state or quality of being indubitable.
Clear :: Clear (superl.) Free from ambiguity or indistinctness; lucid; perspicuous; plain; evident; manifest; indubitable.
Univocal :: Univocal (n.) Unequivocal; indubitable.
Demonstration :: Demonstration (n.) The act of demonstrating; an exhibition; proof; especially, proof beyond the possibility of doubt; indubitable evidence, to the senses or reason..
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