Definition of indivisible

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of indivisible is as below...

Indivisible (n.) That which is indivisible.

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Impartible :: Impartible (a.) Not partible; not subject to partition; indivisible; as, an impartible estate..
Undividual :: Undividual (a.) Indivisible.
Indivisible :: Indivisible (a.) Not capable of exact division, as one quantity by another; incommensurable..
Point :: Point (n.) An indivisible portion of time; a moment; an instant; hence, the verge..
Indivisible :: Indivisible (n.) An infinitely small quantity which is assumed to admit of no further division.
Indivisibly :: Indivisibly (adv.) In an indivisible manner.
Indivisibleness :: Indivisibleness (n.) The state of being indivisible; indivisibility.
Inseverable :: Inseverable (a.) Incapable of being severed; indivisible; inseparable.
Insecable :: Insecable (a.) Incapable of being divided by cutting; indivisible.
Individable :: Individable (a.) Indivisible.
Atom :: Atom (n.) An ultimate indivisible particle of matter.
Atom :: Atom (n.) An ultimate particle of matter not necessarily indivisible; a molecule.
Indivisible :: Indivisible (a.) Not divisible; incapable of being divided, separated, or broken; not separable into parts..
Undivisible :: Undivisible (a.) Indivisible.
Syllabe :: Syllabary (n.) A table of syllables; more especially, a table of the indivisible syllabic symbols used in certain languages, as the Japanese and Cherokee, instead of letters..
Indivisible :: Indivisible (n.) That which is indivisible.
Chemistry :: Chemistry (n.) That branch of science which treats of the composition of substances, and of the changes which they undergo in consequence of alterations in the constitution of the molecules, which depend upon variations of the number, kind, or mode of arrangement, of the constituent atoms. These atoms are not assumed to be indivisible, but merely the finest grade of subdivision hitherto attained. Chemistry deals with the changes in the composition and constitution of molecules. See Atom, Molecul
Indivisibility :: Indivisibility (n.) The state or property of being indivisible or inseparable; inseparability.
Monad :: Monad (n.) An ultimate atom, or simple, unextended point; something ultimate and indivisible..
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