Definition of incumbent

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Incumbent (a.) Leaning or resting; -- said of anthers when lying on the inner side of the filament, or of cotyledons when the radicle lies against the back of one of them..

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Voidance :: Voidance (n.) The state of being void; vacancy, as of a benefice which is without an incumbent..
Parson :: Parson (n.) A person who represents a parish in its ecclesiastical and corporate capacities; hence, the rector or incumbent of a parochial church, who has full possession of all the rights thereof, with the cure of souls..
Spoliation :: Spoliation (v. t.) The act of an incumbent in taking the fruits of his benefice without right, but under a pretended title..
Vacant :: Vacant (a.) Not filled or occupied by an incumbent, possessor, or officer; as, a vacant throne; a vacant parish..
Incumbent :: Incumbent (a.) Lying; resting; reclining; recumbent; superimposed; superincumbent.
Parsonage :: Parsonage (n.) The glebe and house, or the house only, owned by a parish or ecclesiastical society, and appropriated to the maintenance or use of the incumbent or settled pastor..
Residence :: Residence (n.) The residing of an incumbent on his benefice; -- opposed to nonresidence.
Incumbency :: Incumbency (n.) That which is morally incumbent, or is imposed, as a rule, a duty, obligation, or responsibility..
Seguestration :: Seguestration (n.) A kind of execution for a rent, as in the case of a beneficed clerk, of the profits of a benefice, till he shall have satisfied some debt established by decree; the gathering up of the fruits of a benefice during a vacancy, for the use of the next incumbent; the disposing of the goods, by the ordinary, of one who is dead, whose estate no man will meddle with..
Incumbent :: Incumbent (a.) Bent downwards so that the ends touch, or rest on, something else; as, the incumbent toe of a bird..
Superinduced :: Superincumbent (a.) Lying or resting on something else.
Dilapidation :: Dilapidation (n.) Ecclesiastical waste; impairing of church property by an incumbent, through neglect or by intention..
Void :: Void (a.) Having no incumbent; unoccupied; -- said of offices and the like.
Superincumbent :: Superincumbency (n.) The quality or state of being superincumbent.
Incumbency :: Incumbency (n.) The state of being incumbent; a lying or resting on something.
Vicar :: Vicar (n.) The incumbent of an appropriated benefice.
Creep :: Creep (n.) A slow rising of the floor of a gallery, occasioned by the pressure of incumbent strata upon the pillars or sides; a gradual movement of mining ground..
Prop :: Prop (v.) That which sustains an incumbent weight; that on which anything rests or leans for support; a support; a stay; as, a prop for a building..
Incumbent :: Incumbent (n.) A person who is in present possession of a benefice or of any office.
Fill :: Fill (a.) To possess and perform the duties of; to officiate in, as an incumbent; to occupy; to hold; as, a king fills a throne; the president fills the office of chief magistrate; the speaker of the House fills the chair..
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