Definition of incident

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Incident (a.) Coming or happening accidentally; not in the usual course of things; not in connection with the main design; not according to expectation; casual; fortuitous.

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Incindental :: Incindental (a.) Happening, as an occasional event, without regularity; coming without design; casual; accidental; hence, not of prime concern; subordinate; collateral; as, an incidental conversation; an incidental occurrence; incidental expenses..
Passage :: Passage (v. i.) A separate part of a course, process, or series; an occurrence; an incident; an act or deed..
Incident :: Incident (n.) Something appertaining to, passing with, or depending on, another, called the principal..
Incident :: Incident (n.) That which happens aside from the main design; an accidental or subordinate action or event.
Obstetrics :: Obstetrics (n.) The science of midwifery; the art of assisting women in parturition, or in the trouble incident to childbirth..
Eccentric :: Eccentric (a.) Not coincident as to motive or end.
Net :: Net (a.) Not including superfluous, incidental, or foreign matter, as boxes, coverings, wraps, etc.; free from charges, deductions, etc; as, net profit; net income; net weight, etc..
Rule :: Rule (v. i.) To lay down and settle a rule or order of court; to decide an incidental point; to enter a rule.
Circumstance :: Circumstance (n.) An event; a fact; a particular incident.
Manslaughter :: Manslaughter (n.) The unlawful killing of a man, either in negligenc/ or incidentally to the commission of some unlawful act, but without specific malice, or upon a sudden excitement of anger..
Incident :: Incident (n.) That which falls out or takes place; an event; casualty; occurrence.
Subjected :: Subject (n.) The incident, scene, figure, group, etc., which it is the aim of the artist to represent..
Parergy :: Parergy (n.) Something unimportant, incidental, or superfluous..
Squint :: Squint (v. t.) To cause to look with noncoincident optic axes.
Appurtenance :: Appurtenance (n.) That which belongs to something else; an adjunct; an appendage; an accessory; something annexed to another thing more worthy; in common parlance and legal acceptation, something belonging to another thing as principal, and which passes as incident to it, as a right of way, or other easement to land; a right of common to pasture, an outhouse, barn, garden, or orchard, to a house or messuage. In a strict legal sense, land can never pass as an appurtenance to land..
Incident :: Incident (a.) Dependent upon, or appertaining to, another thing, called the principal..
Fluorescence :: Fluorescence (n.) That property which some transparent bodies have of producing at their surface, or within their substance, light different in color from the mass of the material, as when green crystals of fluor spar afford blue reflections. It is due not to the difference in the color of a distinct surface layer, but to the power which the substance has of modifying the light incident upon it. The light emitted by fluorescent substances is in general of lower refrangibility than the incident l
Underaction :: Underaction (n.) Subordinate action; a minor action incidental or subsidiary to the main story; an episode.
Incident :: Incident (a.) Falling or striking upon, as a ray of light upon a reflecting surface..
Obvention :: Obvention (n.) The act of happening incidentally; that which happens casually; an incidental advantage; an occasional offering.
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