Definition of incessant

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Incessant (a.) Continuing or following without interruption; unceasing; unitermitted; uninterrupted; continual; as, incessant clamors; incessant pain, etc..

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Sisyphean :: Sisyphean (a.) Relating to Sisyphus; incessantly recurring; as, Sisyphean labors..
Unremitting :: Unremitting (a.) Not remitting; incessant; continued; persevering; as, unremitting exertions..
Infinite :: Infinite (a.) Capable of endless repetition; -- said of certain forms of the canon, called also perpetual fugues, so constructed that their ends lead to their beginnings, and the performance may be incessantly repeated..
Buzz :: Buzz (v. t.) To talk to incessantly or confidentially in a low humming voice.
Everliving :: Everliving (a.) Continual; incessant; unintermitted.
Weaving :: Weaving (n.) An incessant motion of a horse's head, neck, and body, from side to side, fancied to resemble the motion of a hand weaver in throwing the shuttle..
Abderian :: Abderian (a.) Given to laughter; inclined to foolish or incessant merriment.
Uncessant :: Uncessant (a.) Incessant.
Incessant :: Incessant (a.) Continuing or following without interruption; unceasing; unitermitted; uninterrupted; continual; as, incessant clamors; incessant pain, etc..
Sisyphus :: Sisyphus (n.) A king of Corinth, son of Aeolus, famed for his cunning. He was killed by Theseus, and in the lower world was condemned by Pluto to roll to the top of a hill a huge stone, which constantly rolled back again, making his task incessant..
Ceaseless :: Ceaseless (a.) Without pause or end; incessant.
Incessantly :: Incessantly (adv.) Unceasingly; continually.
Fidget :: Fidget (n.) A general nervous restlessness, manifested by incessant changes of position; dysphoria..
Incessancy :: Incessancy (n.) The quality of being incessant; unintermitted continuance; unceasingness.
Importunity :: Importunity (n.) The quality of being importunate; pressing or pertinacious solicitation; urgent request; incessant or frequent application; troublesome pertinacity.
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