Definition of inarticulate

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Inarticulate (a.) Incapable of articulating.

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Cry :: Cry (v. i.) To utter inarticulate sounds, as animals..
Mumbling :: Mumbling (a.) Low; indistinct; inarticulate.
Inarticulate :: Inarticulate (a.) Not uttered with articulation or intelligible distinctness, as speech or words..
Cry :: Cry (v. i.) A loud utterance; especially, the inarticulate sound produced by one of the lower animals; as, the cry of hounds; the cry of wolves..
Inarticulateness :: Inarticulateness (n.) The state or quality of being inarticulate.
Drivel :: Drivel (n.) Inarticulate or unmeaning utterance; foolish talk; babble.
Gibber :: Gibber (v. i.) To speak rapidly and inarticulately.
Mumble :: Mumble (v.) To speak with the lips partly closed, so as to render the sounds inarticulate and imperfect; to utter words in a grumbling indistinct manner, indicating discontent or displeasure; to mutter..
Babble :: Babble (v. i.) To utter words indistinctly or unintelligibly; to utter inarticulate sounds; as a child babbles.
Hum :: Hum (interj.) Ahem; hem; an inarticulate sound uttered in a pause of speech implying doubt and deliberation.
Hum :: Hum (interj.) An inarticulate nasal sound or murmur, like h'm, uttered by a speaker in pause from embarrassment, affectation, etc..
Inarticulation :: Inarticulation (n.) Inarticulateness.
Language :: Language (n.) The inarticulate sounds by which animals inferior to man express their feelings or their wants.
Inarticulately :: Inarticulately (adv.) In an inarticulate manner.
Inarticulate :: Inarticulate (a.) Not jointed or articulated; having no distinct body segments; as, an inarticulate worm..
Inarticulated :: Inarticulated (a.) Not articulated; not jointed or connected by a joint.
Gabble :: Gabble (v. i.) To utter inarticulate sounds with rapidity; as, gabbling fowls..
Hum :: Hum (v. i.) To make an inarticulate sound, like h'm, through the nose in the process of speaking, from embarrassment or a affectation; to hem..
Chattering :: Chattering (n.) The act or habit of talking idly or rapidly, or of making inarticulate sounds; the sounds so made; noise made by the collision of the teeth; chatter..
Hum :: Hum (n.) Any inarticulate and buzzing soun.
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