Definition of hum

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Hum (v. i.) To make an inarticulate sound, like h'm, through the nose in the process of speaking, from embarrassment or a affectation; to hem..

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Bombilate :: Bombilate (n.) To hum; to buzz.
Subhyaloid :: Subhumerate (v. t.) To place the shoulders under; to bear.
Agnosticism :: Agnosticism (n.) The doctrine that the existence of a personal Deity, an unseen world, etc., can be neither proved nor disproved, because of the necessary limits of the human mind (as sometimes charged upon Hamilton and Mansel), or because of the insufficiency of the evidence furnished by physical and physical data, to warrant a positive conclusion (as taught by the school of Herbert Spencer); -- opposed alike dogmatic skepticism and to dogmatic theism..
Stoop :: Stoop (v. i.) To yield; to submit; to bend, as by compulsion; to assume a position of humility or subjection..
Psychical :: Psychical (a.) Of or pertaining to the human soul, or to the living principle in man..
Victuals :: Victuals (n. pl.) Food for human beings, esp. when it is cooked or prepared for the table; that which supports human life; provisions; sustenance; meat; viands..
Audient :: Audient (n.) A hearer; especially a catechumen in the early church.
Manless :: Manless (a.) Unmanly; inhuman.
Pleasant :: Pleasant (n.) A wit; a humorist; a buffoon.
Wood Tick :: Wood tick () Any one of several species of ticks of the genus Ixodes whose young cling to bushes, but quickly fasten themselves upon the bodies of any animal with which they come in contact. When they attach themselves to the human body they often produce troublesome sores. The common species of the Northern United States is Ixodes unipunctata..
Metempsychosis :: Metempsychosis (n.) The passage of the soul, as an immortal essence, at the death of the animal body it had inhabited, into another living body, whether of a brute or a human being; transmigration of souls..
Thomsonianism :: Thomsonianism (n.) An empirical system which assumes that the human body is composed of four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, and that vegetable medicines alone should be used; -- from the founder, Dr. Samuel Thomson, of Massachusetts..
Pathognomy :: Pathognomy (n.) Expression of the passions; the science of the signs by which human passions are indicated.
Lowly :: Lowly (adv.) In a low manner; humbly; meekly; modestly.
Hummer :: Hummer (n.) One who, or that which, hums; one who applauds by humming..
Humulin :: Humulin (n.) An extract of hops.
Incarnate :: Incarnate (a.) Invested with flesh; embodied in a human nature and form; united with, or having, a human body..
Raucity :: Raucity (n.) Harshness of sound; rough utterance; hoarseness; as, the raucity of a trumpet, or of the human voice..
Sworded :: Swordbill (n.) A humming bird (Docimastes ensiferus) having a very long, slender bill, exceeding the length of the body of the bird..
Anthropophuism :: Anthropophuism (n.) Human nature.
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